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Birth Name: Kim Hanbin

Stage Name: B.I, The Charismatic Leader

Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Center

Birth Date: October 22, 1996

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Height: 177 cm

Blood Type: O

Hobbies: Walking

Ideal Type/Girl: A woman who has ambience around her, and strong eyes, cheerful and comfortable to be around (According to Get it Beauty). Kim Jiwon is the most fitted on his ideal type.

Fun Facts:

On 2011, He joined YG Entertainment as a trainee on when he was 12 years old.

He was a part of Team B on WIN.

He has a parent and one younger sister which is 15 years younger, named Hanbyul.

He was a contestant on "Show Me The Money 3"

B.I uses movies and books to get inspiration for his songs cause he didn't experience a lot of things.

He never had a girlfriend before so he was depending on his imagination to write songs.

He appeared in Taeyang's "Ringa Linga" MV and in Epik High's "Born Hater"

He wrote/composed all their songs and composed Winner's "Empty", contributed in Epik High's "Born Hater", Blackpink's "Whistle" and three of PSY's songs: "Bomb", "Last Scene" and "Auto Reverse".

B.I takes the longest time to take a bath.

He is very hard to wake up. Chan called him once 20 times without him waking up. (konic tv)
He got three tattoos so far: one on his left chest saying "Nihilism", one on his right hip bone saying "like father like son, like master like man, for the kingdom of heaven" and one on his shoulder blade of a paper lane being carried by balloons.

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