Reaction (Part 1)

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Broken Prince

Disclaimer: If you recognize it then I don't own it.

Summary: A match in the past leaves a then ten year old Ryoma Echizen with several permanent health issues that leave many questioning rather the Prince of tennis can even continue playing. When Ryoma moves to Japan he knew hiding those injuries from Seigaku was going to be hard and that being caught was not an option. Why can't he just play tennis?

Chapter six: Reaction (Part 1)

"I doubt he's playing tennis anymore."

----------P.O.V. Sanada---------------

That sentence both infuriates and shames me.

How could someone seem so uncaring about hurting an opponent so young that badly?

Was this what Akaya would end up like in the future?

How could I have lost to someone who had been injured to such an extent in the past?

Having seen the twelve year old that had managed to catch everyone's attention broken yet still hold on so tightly I feel pride and protectiveness rise up in me along with a different emotion that I knew all to well despite what others may say about me.

That wasn't good.

My arms tighten around the very reason those feelings couldn't exist as he was still sobbing into my chest. Why did it seem I was unable to ever stay completely faithful to him? Why was I constantly feeling the emotions I should only have for the blunette in my arms towards other people? Sei was insecure about our relationship enough as it was.

After all, I wasn't dating a blind idiot. He sees the way I look at Tezuka, even if he doesn't know he at least suspects the one night stand I had with his best friend, and he does know that I wasn't the one who ended my relationship with Kei. That was the worst one by far it seemed. Ever since the Hyote player broke up with me to join Seigaku's "Perfect Pair" and I started dating Sei instead it seemed my captian's self esteem was slowly crumbling.

Gone was the self confidant Child of God I had fallen in love with back when we were children. He wasn't even the freshman I had finally admitted those feelings I had for (even if only to myself). He truly smiled less, started questioning everything I did, went back and forth between being himself and some Kei wannabe (that in all honesty not only turned me off rather quickly but scared me even more than the worst off those "team bonding activities" that he plans with Fuji), and is constantly second guessing himself. And it seemed to get worse by the day instead of better like Aniki had claimed it would when I told him some of what was going on. (Of course it didn't help that I still hung out and sometimes went dancing with Kei...)

Looking at my boyfriend I wonder just how I could stop all of this once and for all.

--- P.O.V. Yukimura ---

I don't exactly remember when I climbed onto Gen's lap (Sometime after I called Syuu) but it takes me a while to calm down enough to take inventory of my team.

Renji is scribbling away in a notebook mumbling about calling Sadaharu for more data, Marui's gum has fallen out of his mouth onto Jackle's head, said teen is staring at the screen shocked and speechless, Gen is staring into space with his arms around me, and Yagyuu is hiding his face in the crevasse between Nio's neck and shoulder seeming suspiciously like he was crying (but gentleman don't cry). Nio himself was rubbing his doubles partner and one-sided love intrest's back, whispering comforts in the gentleman's ear as tears stream down his face and his body shakes from trying to keep his voice even. Akaya was ghostly pale and shaking. His eyes wide and horror clear as day on his face...

... It would be a while before I had to deal with anymore hospital bills it seemed...

The whole thing is broken by the sound of Gen's phone playing that ring tone and I hope he doesn't pick up. But as usual that hope is crushed mercilessly and quickly like all of our tennis opponents should be...

... It is after all Atobe Keigo...

--- P.O.V. Atobe ---

I don't have to wait long before Gen picks up, which is good since I don't like to be kept waiting, and I can tell that something is wrong. More than likely he had yet another fight with that cute captain of his that he was currently dating. The thought makes anger show on my face which isn't good. After all, my beauty should not have to suffer because Gen chose the Syuu-like blunette over joining Mitsu and Syuu with me. What exactly was the problem between the two Rikkia students anyway?

"Just let your parents know your dating him already. He does have a point that you introduced Ore-sama to them after a week and you've been going out with him for three months now!" I snap, referencing the argument that Gen told me him and Yukimura were having yesterday over the phone. Or should I say was still having since it had been an ongoing argument between the "Alpha Pair" for about two months now. I didn't really see what Gen's big deal was though. His parents and grandfather know and love Yukimura already (his ka-san had even gone so far as to comment in passing that if her son was gay couldn't he at least be dating the bluenette) and the news that they were dating now would definitely be more welcome then the one that I was (See previous comment).

"Thanks but that isn't whats wrong..."

Now, an Atobe never shouts, but after Gen finished talking about the Brat my voice was a few octaves higher then usual...

"What do you mean he was critically injured?!"

Hey everyone! I know this is shorter then the chapters I have been posting for this story recently but I wanted to split the reactions of Seigaku and Rikkai (including Atobe) into two different chapters... so I did. This one kind of came out more about the whole OT5 web problem thing going on then Ryoma's injuries. Don't worry, Seigaku will be mostly focused on the boy. However at some point I will have gone into the viewpoint of each of the guys about each other in someway before they end up all together. So what do you think? Comments, questions, suggestions, and requests welcome/wanted as always! Until next time....


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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