Chapter 26: Aren't you a naughty little birdy?

Start from the beginning

Only a month away, keep it together.


Adrianna Winters POV:

“Can we pleaaseee be let out now? I’m pretty sure we are sober enough.” My fingers curled around the metallic bars that were blocking me from the other side where the stupid police officer sat. Oh, and you want to know the best part? He’s eating a fùcking chocolate donut. He looked at me and just grunted before looking back at the donut.

“Could you at least share some with me?” I narrowed my eyes at the delicious food. He looked back at me and smirked, holding the donut up.

“What, you mean this thing?”

Rolling my eyes at his stupidity, “No, I was talking about the files on your desk – of course I mean the donut.”

“Oh,” he tilted his head to the side as if I spoke in a different language, then he shoved the donut in his mouth and sent me a smirk while he licked his fat fingers.

I muttered incoherent words under my breath and turned around to a sleeping Archie. He was lying down on the metal bench with his hands tucked underneath his face. I grimaced as I thought about all the dirty people who have been in here and sat there butt’s on that seat. I am definitely not kissing that face. He passed out about 30 minutes after we were thrown into here – ok we weren’t thrown, more like pushed forcefully. It’s been about 3 hours since we’ve been admitted into the pleasant place – Jesus It sounds like we’ve been admitted into a mental hospital. Well that actually wouldn’t surprise me too much if we were, I’d rather be dealing with screaming patients who are afraid of chickens, than be locked in this shared cell. Did I say shared? Oh yeah, apart from a dead-to-the-world Archie, there was a girl – I think it was a girl – sitting in the corner opposite me who kept giving me sly winks every now and then.

I avoided her gaze as much as possible, because quite frankly, I didn’t think I wanted to make friends with a hòòker. She or he was dressed in a neon yellow tight dress – now when I say tight, I mean tight, like really tight. Her boobs looked like they were about to explode the way they were practically up to her chin. She had on pòrnstar heels and her make-up looked like someone threw a children’s cake in her face, and her hair! Oh god, don’t get me started on her hair. It was teased to the max, like I don’t think any brush in the whole fùcking world would be able to comb through that shìt.

She really does put Snooki to shame.

She’s either had really wild sèx and hasn’t brushed it since that or she just really likes to tease it. I’ll go for the latter. I bit my bottom lip in order to keep my laughter in so she wouldn’t attack me or something. Who knows, maybe she’s packing something in those boobs.

 Now I’m not the bìtch you’re all thinking I am that criticizes everyone’s dress choice, because I’m seriously not. I’m sure she has a lovely heart underneath all that make up.

Who knows, she could be the next Obama.

“You want somthin’ darlin?” she asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts, I hadn’t realised that I was staring at her. I looked at her apologetically and smiled.

“No sorry, I was just thinking.” She didn’t look pissed like I thought she would be, instead she just nodded, as if she understood, and then looked over to Archie.

“So is that hunk yours?” her face scanned over his unconscious body and I narrowed my eyes.

He wasn’t mine…yet. I sighed sadly to myself internally.

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