The beginning proglue (not edited)

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It all started the day you were born....( Author chan: No No No that That early of an beginning maybe more in the future..)   You were next to you're love of you're life..(Author chan again: no no not the end of reader Chan's story! Ok let's try again..) 

                                    ( 3 POV )

You were looking for something to eat cause you live outside the walls you know it's dangerous for humans lucky for you titans hated how werewolves tasted so you stumbled across a doe ( A doe is a female deer) You turned into a wolf (your height is 3 meters tall) all you had to do was get the doe it was fairly easy.

(Y/n) POV 

Ok ok I got the doe now all I have to do is cook the do- "hey heicho do you see that" A strawberry blonde girl shouted so you could hear "tch brat keep it down it might hear you" a short man stated "Well I can hear you humans!" You shouted so they all can hear you "some of you smell bad really bad" you chaistise "tch what are you?" The short man questioned "I am an werewolf,Lycan whatever you say" you explained Wilst you try to approach them one of the boys fired a tranquilizer dart ( they have one of those cause there on an expedition to survive out of the walls protection) as he fired you dodged so it didn't tranquilize you approach them "Hey you little pice of shit stand down I'm not going to fucking hurt you!" You shouted at him "s-sorry!) he said  "whatever" I said blankly then another group approached us and shot me and I was knocked out

24 hours later

You woke up felling dizzy in an white room on a bed oh wait a brick covered room with an uncomfortable bed. "Were am I" You said "in the basement" a boy with enticing  turquoise  eyes "why?" You questioned "well.... people think we are monsters" the boy answered "hey what's  your name?" You questioned "Eren Yeager" mines (y/n) (l/n)"  "hey you girl out!" A guard shouted "owwww" you grunted in pain. "Ok" you said glumly.

Time skip (I'm lazy)

"Who are you" the judge questioned  "I am (f/n) (l/n)" you said firmly "What are you miss (l/n)" the judge questioned "I am a werewolf"You said bluntly (also it's gonna be reader chans perspective now) The judge was questioning me while the so called 'military police' members were calling me a monster I shed a tear only one though I don't want to break  out in tears in front of all the people in the court room "miss (l/n) since you are not fully human but don't pose a threat to us you have a choice" the judge spoke " you can 1: be a 'subject' to the military police or join the Survey Corps and fight for humanity" he questioned you chosen 

"I choose to be in the Survey Corps"   "Very well  miss (l/n) I here by decree that miss (y/n) (l/n) is not guilty and will be in watch  of the Survey Corps" the judge spoke 

I'm soooo deeply sorry to cut it short I'll update as soon as I can thank you to whom ever reading this word count (539)

Attack on titan x Wolf Reader  ( I might turn this into one shots)Where stories live. Discover now