"Lesly!" I yelled at her making her snap out of her rambling.

"Get back on track munchkin." Chris said to her chuckling.

"Oh right! Anyways, on the plane..." She paused in suspense making Chris and I agitated. She is doing this on purpose.

"Lesly!" I yelled again. She giggled.

"Alright, alright. On the plane, there was this mom and a boy sitting next to me. I was on the window seat - which I love." She exclaimed. "When the plane started going up the little stupid brat jumped up on me! And he's not supposed to do that! He didn't even have his belt on! Anyways, I left it at that and decided to let it go because kids are kids. But then the whole plane ride was a pain in the ass! He would not stop moving around, he would keep hitting me with his right hand because he couldn't keep still and he kept getting on my lap to look out the window. He would kick everywhere and the mother wouldn't do anything! To top it off he got a soda, and him being a brat, shook the damn thing! So when he opened it, it all came falling down and do you know where he aimed it towards? ME!" Lesly was fuming by now. I looked over at Chris and I could tell that he was trying hard not to laugh. I gave him a disapproving look, but it quickly went away because I wanted to laugh too. "So I started yelling at the kid and then the mom got in it so I then started arguing with the mom and then those ladies that are on the plane got involved and it was all just a big mess. In the end they just moved me to another seat and I changed into other clothes." She finished. I then frowned.

"Wait, but that was in the plane, how does that explain why you took one hour to get out?" I asked confused. She held up her finger telling me to be patient.

"When I got down we went to collect our belongings and I bumped into the kids mom who murmured something about me - I didn't hear it, but I was so not letting it go that time, so I argued with her again and then a crowd formed because people are super nosy. Then the employers and security got there and I started arguing with them. I was so fed up with it, I just left them there to go get my bags. But then they took forever to put my bags in! They literally put my bags last making me even more angry so I began arguing with them telling them that I was a lawyer and could sue them and well yea, end of story." She said as if nothing. And that's when Chris and I burst out laughing. We stopped walking and dropped the bags. Lesly glared at us.

"Y-you threatened them?" Chris asked still laughing at her.

"Yes!" She exclaimed as if that was the most reasonable thing to do.

"You do realize you're not a lawyer yet right?" I asked her once I stopped laughing and just smiled amused. She scoffed.

"Well I'm about to be one! Just a few more semesters to go and I'll be graduating." She squealed. I chuckled at her.

"Show off." Chris murmured. Lesly heard and slapped him on the stomach. Chris rubbed the spot and glared at her.

"I heard that." She said to him.

"Ok how about we get to the car first before you guys start another argument?" I asked them picking up the bag again. This thing is heavy! I huffed. "What did you put in this bag!?" I asked her.

"Oh you got the bag with the shoes." Lesly said shaking her head at me while pursing her lips. I glared at her. So much for giving the bigger bags to Chris.

"If the shoes are in there, what the hell are in these bags? They weigh more than you and Mels put together." Chris said grimacing. They probably do.

"You guys are drama queens, they're just clothes, accessories, make up, a hair dryer, straightener, wand, two more pairs of shoes, chargers, laptop - wait no I have my laptop in this bag - my journals, and books. That's it." She shrugged while Chris and I stared at her with agape mouths. "You guys should close your mouths before you catch a fly." She chastised and then starting walking towards the parking lot again. Chris and I looked at each other and took a deep breath. We picked up the bags and followed after Lesly. This girl is a lot to handle. I wonder what she was like when she was younger, probably even more difficult. I laughed inwardly at the thought of her as a child.

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