dinner- smut (th)

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his hand rested on my thigh. i sighed. soft music played as we drove, the cool air breezing through my hair. i watched the sunset over the mountains, falling out of reality. "you okay darling?" tom called to me. "hm? oh- yes. i'm fine thank you love. just a bit... all over the place" i replied, shifting under his touch. "are you nervous?" he questioned. we were headed to dinner with his family, my first time meeting his parents after almost 8 months of dating. i needed to impress. "a tad, i wouldn't say i'm nervous, i just want to make a good impression, you know?" i raised my eyebrows at him and he nodded. "don't worry baby, i know they'll love you" he winked, his hand rising further up my leg. i squirmed. "tommy. stop. not now." i frowned at him, and he smirked. "what? i'm not doing anything!" he murmured, his fingers grazing my heat. "thomas. i'm serious, tonight i important. you're like a horny teenager" i slapped his hand away playfully and he groaned. i laughed. "c'mon. we're almost there. maybe later" i giggled, resting my hand on his. he relaxed slightly.
when we walked into the restaurant, the butterflies really hit me. i instantly spotted harry and sam, whom id met quite a few times before, waving at me excitedly. i gripped toms hand. "you'll be fine" he said under his breath, smiling at his parents. "hello! the famous y/n l/n! a pleasure to meet you!" toms dad, dom, gave me a huge bear hug. "pleasures mine mr holland" i smiled widely. "and you must be paddy! the coolest sibling" i winked at toms little brother and groans came from the rest of the clan. "paddys already stealing your girl tom!" his mum, nikki, called. i kissed her cheek. "i'm so glad i get to finally meet you" i grinned, taking a seat between her and tom. after breaking the ice with a few jokes, that they found particularly funny if i do say so myself, i became part of the family almost instantly.
"so you have to do another whole year of school?!" paddy groaned. "yeah, unfortunately so. i have one year left at uni and then i can do whatever i want!" i said. "shes looking for a job near us so that we can move in together" tom smiled proudly. "thats lovely! you can come round for sunday roast!" nikki clapped. the dinner was going fantastic. i was getting along swimmingly with every member of the family, remembering little facts about each one and i was able to tell them about myself without stuttering too much. "woah tom, calm down mate!" sam laughed as tom gulped down his last mouthful of pasta. i stared at him and then my full plate repeatedly, shocked. i shook my head, smiling softly and continued to eat. "this pizza is amazing" i said, slicing it up. i felt toms hand on my thigh once more. i shifted my leg but he pushed it back down. ignoring him, i continued the conversation. slowly and surely, his hand rose up under my skirt until his fingers were grazing my panties. attempting to move away, i reached for a glass of water but once more toms strong hand held me in my position. i grumbled under my breath, quiet enough that the others wouldn't hear but he refused to move. "for gods sake tom. not now!" i muttered. he pushed my panties to the side and slid his finger across my slit. i gasped. "erin? are you okay love?" nikki asked. "yeah, just... spicy. i need some water haha!" i grabbed my cup and drank quickly. pumping his finger in and out of my pussy, i could hear tom laughing to himself. i bit my lip to control my moans. he whispered in my ear. "you're doingd so well darling" he smirked. he added another finger, his thumb rubbed circles around my clit. i arched my back, pushing onto his hand. he chuckled softly. it was so wrong but it felt amazing. i opened my phone. "i'm so sorry, i have to take this phone call. i'll be back soon. i'm so sorry" i smiled at the family and stood up, walking outside. i heard tom speaking. "i should go check if shes okay" he grumbled. walking towards the car i felt a hand on my back. "backseat. now." he spat. "okay baby" i winked.
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