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“1800s Verona ,Italy

Romeo felt his heart start beating. Life flooding back to his body.

His life rocketing to life a dull thud sounded. He clenched his hand.


He breathed in debris . His feet stretching themselves.


He pulled in a deep breath. Feeling all the dust in the air. All the dirt decaying bodies,blood.

He could smell blood. But he felt constricted. He felt suffocated.


He pushed against his surroundings. He felt a box caging him in . He pushed against the ceiling of the box and it groaned under the onslaught.


He pushed against it putting in pressure and shock of being locked in and pushed.


A loud sound rocketed in the underground chamber.
Causing him to cover his ears in irritation . He sat up quickly.

He opened his eyes. Scanning his surroundings. He could see stone coffins around the place. His was placed next to one. It had a familiar scent. A lilies scent . It triggered an onslaught of memories that felt all the more vivid. He stood up and cried walking to Juliet's coffin.
He pushed the head stone and saw her usual rosy cheeks being pale almost blue. Her lips parched and withered.  Her Lilian smell mixed with a pungent smell of rotting flesh. He saw were her dress had a small red blotch.
He realised what had happened. Juliet was alive when he arrived. He took her out of her coffin and laid her on the floor clutching her to his chest,crying and screamed in anguish. It ultimately turned to a roar.

He felt pain resonating from his fingertips. His nails digging into Juliet's flesh breaking bones.

He felt pain . Tears turning to blood.


He could smell his blood. He could smell Juliet's blood. Sweet smell.
He ceased his crying. Looking at his talons. He ran his finger over his lips ,a searing pain caused his to double over. He saw a piece of his tongue on the floor. He tentatively felt his teeth with his talons and he encountered friction. He felt with his tongue the protruding over his lips.
He felt the waft of blood from Juliet.
He bent and drank from a wound he created. The blood thick due to being death. He drank. Crying. He could not believe he loved her so much he'd rather eat her.
He got a waft of divine smell. He let go of Juliet. Taking his ring from her necklace. Putting it carefully around his neck.

He heard people talking. He could hear them clearly but they were far.
"Poor shame you know . Romeo got to the scene and killed the bloke that was meant to marry his Lasse. No one except a few knew she had married Romeo Montague. She pretended to be dead drinking a sleep portion. He thought her dead. The letter she sent him did not reach in time. He poisoned himself and died. Poor thing woke up and stabbed herself. Real tragic. Now their families have reconciled and the Montague's have erected a statue of Juliet of Gold for Verona to see ."the man said.
"Really. How tragic indeed. When did you say they died?"a soft male voice asked.
"Ow it has been two days Monsieur."a voice said.
"Thank you. For the information. Love so strong....can I....can I see were they are buried?"he asked almost joyfully with anticipation.
"Well..I am not sure Monsieur. It smells horrid there and .....we are only allowed immediate family members only....y-you...".the man said nervously.
"So you are saying no. To me?".he asked with a sudden chill to his voice.
"N-no no Monsieur. It is just that ..."He started his heart beating louder than the words he was saying. His blood wafting out of him with each breath he pushed out.
Fear  pulsed from the man in waves.
"What are you?".he asked in wonder and fright .
"I am what you call Dracula. Vlad Dracula."
Then the smell of blood teased his nostrils as a jugular was torn open . The screams of the man died to a gurgle.
"Pity. He was such fine company. I really did not want to kill him. But so says every farmer about his bull while eating it."he mused.
Romeo paused .
"Young Romeo. I know you are there. Come now. I am here for you after all".He said softly.
Romeo stood up and walked tentatively up the stairs finding a door. He pushed it open and was hit by a divine smell.
He saw bodies lining the room. They were wearing uniform and dead. Then one guy stood a mist them he was tall and had long black hair and pale unhealthy greenish skin. But smooth and unblemished. He had a sickening smile on his face looking upon the boy. The one called Dracula looked pleased at the boy. He was taking the transformation well.
"Hello my young friend. I am your friend Dracula. But you can call me papa".he smirked.
"Papa?".Romeo's voice cracked.
Dracula smiled. He embraced Romeo.
"I am so sorry child".Dracula cooed as Romeo cried.
"What have you done to me?".Romeo asked.
"I am giving you a chance at immortality. But I did not do this to you. You did it to yourself. You bought the vial. Unfortunately or rather fortunately you were given the witches vial. You are now a Dracula. Come let us leave this place".he cooed.
Romeo let go of him. Overcome by emotions and worst of all hunger.
He drank from all their bodies. Ravaging a tearing. Breaking bones in the process.
Dracula stood with an amused smile on his face.            
". Nasty appetite you have".

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