08:Sleepover Shenanigans

Start from the beginning

"You know I love you but girl he's got one thing I can't give you," Kimberly states and when I frown at her in drunken confusion she clarifies by grabbing her crouch and shouting, "Dick! He's got a dick, hopefully a nice thick one too that can give you a nice, long orgasms. And while I'd have no problem helping a sister out and fulfilling your sexual desires, I know you don't go that way."

"I don't need him to satiate my sexual frustrations," I say. "I've got a vibrator and my hands for that."

"Ooh you have a vibrator?" Tina pipes in, intrigued. Her cheeks are pink but I can't tell if it's from drinking or from her random outburst. Still, she bravely continues, "Does it really work? To you know..."

"To make me come?" I supply, grinning when she fights though her embarrassment and nods confidently. Tina fighting through her modesty and shyness makes me want to hug her forever and ever. I truly love that girl with all my heart. Weirdly, her shyness makes me more confident. I don't think I'd be as open to most conversations if I didn't feel like if I acted comfortable about it, then maybe Tina would feel comfortable too. "I can only use it when I have the room to myself but yeah, it's given me some pretty great orgasms."

"You don't have one?" Kimberly asks her, her attention distracted for the moment by Tina's willingness to actually talk about sex. Kimberly tells us all her deets, most of the time without us asking but Tina is usually very closed up and embarrassed about sex talk.

"No," she admits, taking a small sip of her drink. "There's no way my parents would give me money for something like that. And if one of my brothers or my parents found out about it I'd be grounded and locked up for eternity."

Tina has three older, and very overprotective brothers who act like they are her father all the time. Her family bubble wraps her from everything, mostly because she's the youngest but also because she's the only girl and they think she needs to be protected from everything.

"You can't tell them you need money for a vibrator, silly" Kimberly says plopping back down next to Tina. "Tell them you need money for something for school or for a new jacket and instead buy the vibrator."

"And what if they ask where the jacket is that I was supposed to buy?"

"Ask for more money than the coat actually cost," I supply. "That way they won't suspect anything."

Tina nods, lost in thought. "I couldn't have it mailed to my house though. They go through all my stuff."

"I got you girl," Kimberly says, wrapping her arm around Tina's waist. "Don't you worry. We're going to help change the way you masturbate."

Tina blushes, ducking her head. "I've never...done that."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Really? Never?"

She shakes her head.

"You've never been curious?" Kimberly asks.

"Well yeah," Tina says, not quite able to meet either of our eyes. "But I've always been afraid I'd get caught. Or that I'd do it wrong or something."

"The only way you can figure it out is by touching yourself and figuring out what you like and don't like," Kimberly says firmly. "It's not something to be embarrassed about, Tina. It's completely natural so don't let anyone make you think otherwise."

She nods, giving her a thankful smile. "I know."

"Have you ever watched porn?" I ask, too curious. I think this is the longest she's ever spoken about sex without running away or excusing herself from the conversation. Now I know: if we want to get Tina to talk about sex, we need to get some alcohol in her first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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