Red Roses & Scarlet Letters [Draft]

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Red Roses & Scarlet Letters is about me and Gerard Way (btw the girl on the cover is not me it's just a girl to represent me) anyways Red Roses & Scarlet Letters any true MCR fan knows that Gerard is an artist and that him and Lindsey (his wife) go to gallerias a lot (Lindsey is an artist too) ((btw I love Lyn-Z so if you say anything bad about her then I'll fite you also I love her band too)) anyways so in the story Gerard notices my character in the galleria because my character doesn't look like anyone else there mainly because I have dyed white hair and I'm wear nothing too formal like everyone else and because of this one painting that my character always looks at a Polar Opposite painting (the painting is a symbol to the story) see the thing is they aren't opposite in every way. Gerard makes journal entires about this mystery girl and then Gerard joins her at the painting one day and FINALLY gets the courage to talk to her.

Here's the cover

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Here's the cover. I really like it,  except I should've added the polar opposites painting. I'll add it later and show the updated version

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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