Don't let Hawk take ever

407 20 16

Hawk, explaining his master plan: So as we all know when we reach the location I will be conducting a security sweep. Also from now on we'll be using code names!

Hawk, pointing at himself: You can adress me as Eagle 1.

Hawk, pointing at Joy: Joy codename: "Been there, done that"

Hawk, pointing at Rose: Rose is "Currently doing that"

Hawk, pointing at Ling Ling: Ling Ling is "It happened once in a dream"

Hawk, pointing at Travis: Travis codename: "If I had to pick a dude"

Hawk, pointing at Astoria: .......

Astoria glaring at him: ......

Hawk: Astoria is.... "Eagle 2"

Astoria, letting out a sight of relief: Oh thank God

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