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"Stop- Stop!"

Screaming. It's all we hear from the empty hallways. Cold night air seeping through the windows, creating an odd and uncomfortable atmosphere. Inside one room, there is nothing but a simple mobian- strapped to a chair. A male, in the appearance of a young fox.

Who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As curious as one can get, this young boy decided to walk into an abandoned building all by himself.

"Don't let your curiosity kill you"

He should have listened to his mother's words, but his curiosity got the best of him.

Now- his body is trembling from the amount of electricity that's gotten shot through his body.

This is happening after five years. The poor fox boy landed onto a secret lab where his eyes met reality of cyborgs for the first time...

"It will be over before you know it, test subject 07" A robotic voice spoke as it slowly did its job.

07. Oh how much he despised that name. One day he was together with his mother and father- the next he was kept prisoner for a project named: CY-NUMB. Shortened for Cyborg Numbers. Silly name, but it's invented by a robot who was created by a mastermind who called his inventions something with egg.

So, it could've been worse.

"I am not your test subject you bucket of bo-!" The young boy screamed out in pain as electricity shot through his body, his eyes watering in pain.

"Careful with your words 07" The robot talked back without emotion. The boy grunts, desperately trying to break the chains attached around his wrists.

"There is no use 07, you are trapped" The robot spoke once more.

"I am not going to be loyal to you!" The male shouted in disgust, looking at the robot with fury.

"Even with the amount of pain you feel, nothing can change your mind, 07?"

The male smirked. "Electrocute me, stab me, burn me in fire, hit me with your best shot, you scrap of metal, but nothing will make me change my mind"

The robot sighed disappointedly. "I thought boss really had a chance with you this time..."

"What? Good ol' Eggman? He will never succeed with me and you know it Metal"

The robot sighed once more, tightening the grip around the male's arms and legs. "Ouch! Careful Metal..." The boy moaned in pain and hissed to the bright light that suddenly got set alight above him.

"If I can't change your mind, then I can change you" The mobian look-alike robot spoke, walking out of the sealed room, coming back shortly after with a computer.

The male moved his head over and managed to see some kind of design of identical to him on the screen. "You trying to make your own character of me or something? Copycat..." The male lowered his ears in disappointment.

"Something like that" The robot didn't have a mouth, but if he had; he would be smirking.

The robot's tone made him uneasy, but he held a straight face as he walked out. This made the fox have an advantage of ruining the system from the computer. He struggled getting his long tail out, but managed to do so and along pick up a small pen with it.

You see, this young boy has the smarts we all wish we had. He can code, hack, ruin and fix any type of electronics in a flash. So this is an easy task for him.

Sontails - Written(cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now