- The Star Cross'd Lovers -

Start from the beginning

"You can't keep us in here!" She shouted at the camera, mania in her eyes. "It's barbaric! Inhumane! I mean - where's Wanda?! Twenty-two dried up meatloaf meals! Are you telling me she's been alone this whole time?! That's just cruel. She doesn't deserve to be alone - none of us deserve to be in here! If you did your jobs properly you would know that we're all innocent! And I mean all of us - Steve and Bucky too. Bucky and I were in Buchacrest, we were alone and together and happy and then you - you bastards. You fucking bastards. I'm tired of being watched, I'm tired of being monitered, just let us out! You know you're wrong so... so let us out. Because I can't do this anymore."

With the last sentence Elena slumped down onto the floor, back pressed up against the wall. Breathing deeply, she hung her head between her legs, running both hands through her hair.

"I just want to see him again," she whispered. For a long time there was only silence.

Suddenly, the lights went dim. Looking up, Elena watched as a red light began to flash outside by the doors. Distantly, she heard a siren ringing out. 

"What's going on?" Scott asked, putting his meal to the side. Across from her cell Elena watched as Clint smiled slightly, looking over at her.

"Either you've pissed them off enough to riot, or someone heard you and is making your dreams come true," he said, just as the lights outside went out. 

For a long time all Elena could see was the very dim lights coming from each cell. Eyes slowly adjusting to the lack of light, Elena stared into the darkness. At first, she thought it may have been a trick of the light, but then when it happened again she knew it had to be true. Either that or she had truly lost it. Because, deep in the shadows, something had moved, and it was walking towards Sam. It only took less than a second for Elena to realize who it was.

"Oh my God, Steve," she whispered, staring at the man who stood outside. With a hiss the door of her cell and all the others opened and for the first time in twenty-two days, Elena stepped out of her confines. 

"Come on," he said when the four prisoners were standing before him. "Let's go."

"Wanda?" Clint asked as the group began to move quickly out of the space and into the dim hallway, Elena casting quick glances at the unconcious people who lay on the floor.

"Tasha's got her, we'll meet them at the jet," Steve replied as they made their way up a staircase. Elena frowned, looking up at his face and noticing the scrapes and bruises. 

"Where's Bucky?" Her question didn't slow him down, however his wince told her that she had asked a question he didn't want to answer.

"Not here."


"He's safe, Elena. It's all right," he told her as the group emerged from the stairwell and onto a platform where a jet was waiting, Natasha and Wanda standing by the door in wait. Grabbing his arm and stopping him as the others continued forward, Elena stared into Steve's eyes. There was hesitation swimming within them, something he wasn't telling her. Elena shook her head.

"I know him, Steve," she whispered. "If that was true, he would be here."

He didn't reply, instead squeezing her hand gently before pulling her towards the jet.


One stop-over later where Elena and Steve said goodbye to Natasha and the others, the pair were nearing their final destination of Wakanda. At first, when Steve had told her about where they were headed, she thought he had lost his mind. However, after explaining that T'Challa was aware of the truth surrounding his father's death - that yes, Bucky was framed - Elena had calmed down. However, her thoughts were still on Bucky. She had asked him multiple times about what was wrong but Steve never answered.

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