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After 2 full days of eating crap, sleeping crap, getting through the full 2 seasons of '13 reasons why' and many tears I decide to peel myself out of bed, I haven't even showered how gross am I?
Grabbing my black skinny's, socks, my Calvin's and a white tshirt I head for the shower.
The warm water runs through my hair and down my body there's no better feeling. I take my shampoo and begin washing my messy hair then applying the conditioner afterwards. Once I've finished the shower routine, brushed my teeth and made some kind of effort with my hair I go in a search for my car keys as I've decided maybe I'll visit her again, just this thought alone is gut wrenching yet still puts a small smile on my face because I'll get to see her again!
Careful Maynard.. I tell myself she's yet to find out and hate the guy that put her in a coma!
I finally come across my keys, under my bed? What the hell they're doing there I'll never know.
"Where you going" Jack crosses my path in the hallway
"Out" I roll my eyes and walk round him, like I need to tell him my schedule "you're going to see her aren't you?" I stop in my tracks and turn on my heel "your point is?" I ask and he shrugs "dangerous game conor, she's going to hate you and probably press charges" he smirks, oh how I just want to jab him right in his smart mouth
"Ask me if I really care jack, I almost killed her I can't not check and see how she is doing! It was an accident on both our sides I didn't purposely smash into her and honestly I hope she presses charges I'll never pay enough to fix the damage I have caused, her car full of her personal belongings is a total write off, she's in a coma and look at me? Perfectly fine" jack stands open mouthed, I shut him up. good!

At the hospital just looking at her she looks better though she is still in a coma, a lot of her bruises have faded she has a little more of her own colour back in her... wow!
"She seems better huh" my head spins in the direction of a soft female voice, a voice I remember as her mum
"She definitely looks it" I offer a warm smile and step back from her daughters bed side "it's not weird is it that I check on her, if you're at all uncomfortable with me doing so i can leave" my heart races hoping she doesn't take me up on this and tell me to get out, she grins and walks towards her daughter "don't be silly I understand why you visit, I'm kind of happy in a way that you do rather than just avoiding the situation, you're not cold hearted like some people would have been" she maintains her smile showing me that she means what she says
"I'm going to the canteen would you like anything" she stands up grabbing her bag at the same time double checking it for her purse
"No thank you" I just can't eat while I'm here

I take my phone from my pocket and have a quick scroll through my Facebook and Twitter nothing much really going on just my friends posting photos of them out etc. I click through the photos chuckling to myself at some of the hideous scenes, pictures of Alex puking outside and falling over god the last time I saw Alex this bad was over a year ago, The night I met Jess actually, I roll my eyes at the memory, it was so good at the start!
We were out for jacks birthday we had literally been out all day and all night, we had bumped into some girls, one being Jess, I couldn't take my eyes off her the minute I saw her, she was absolutely breath taking her hazel hair curled and styled, her slim lace, short white dress

 I click through the photos chuckling to myself at some of the hideous scenes, pictures of Alex puking outside and falling over god the last time I saw Alex this bad was over a year ago, The night I met Jess actually, I roll my eyes at the memory,...

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She really was out of this world! What was a great start soon turned bitter.

I'm brung back from my memories with grunting noises behind me, wait what!
I spin on my heels and it's her! I rush over to her side and she's just grunting, I grab the small sponge on the desk beside her dip it in the water and dab it on her lips her mouth opens slightly and the water drops into her mouth and she swallows, helping her throat from the grunting, her eyes ping open they're big and brown, she looks at me for a second then looks startled
"I um, sorry, conor" I say pointing to myself "ah shit NURSE" I yell and one passing by enters "holy shit!!" She gasps, she's as surprised as I am and she buzzes for help as she grabs the clip board from the end of the bed and begins writing away and looking at each monitor and assessing everything,
Katie's mum comes back and she too gasps in shock "katie!!" She beams and tears fill her eyes as she rushes over beside her
I give them space and back off, I just sit in the lonely chair across the room, I can't stop staring at her, those eyes pierce mine again and again. Her soft yet croaky voice answering all the questions though her eyes don't leave mine, she doesn't know me yet she doesn't seem alarmed. Her pale cheeks dimple as her lips turn up in a smile at me.

After a couple of hours they're done all their assessments etc on katie and she's managed to eat and drink all by herself, her memory of the crash is vivid but overall they say she's pretty much perfect despite a few broken/bruised limbs which don't for a minute make her look any less beautiful, Jesus I don't even know her - calm down again Maynard
Katie's mother left to go pick up her dad I thought about leaving but she will be alone, tho it feels a little awkward.

"How you feeling? Are you comfortable?" I ask
"I'm good thank you, yes I'm very comfortable. It's Conor right? The guy I crashed into?" She raises an eyebrow
"Yeah I'm Conor and I think I'm the one that did the crashing into you, I am so sorry I will spend my life making this up to you should it take it" I sit by her and I just want to beg and beg for forgiveness
"I forgive you, accidents happen, you know what's crazy being in a coma I could hear everything and everyone yet I couldnt open my eyes I couldn't speak I couldn't even sneeze, I heard you here every day. But you haven't been here for a few days?, I couldn't hear you it agitated me, so when I heard you again bam my eyes were open the world was my oyster once again, I don't even know you yet wanting to find out brung me back"
I am taken aback from her words that just poured from her heart her mind and her mouth, I really want to kiss that mouth but that would be weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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