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On the first day of her senior year, Kate had been confusingly put in HPE as one of her subjects, confusingly because she never actually chose that class, it was actually her last choice in ranking. "There must be a mistake, I never chose this class," Kate pleaded with her senior councilor, "I'm sorry, but I can't make any least not until next week," the councilor replied sincerely, knowing Kate wasn't sporty at all. Kate let out a loud sigh replying in defeat with, "okay, okay, it's fine, I'll just go to it...thank you Marie," before walking out the door toward her first class, HPE.

Walking in to the classroom, Kate already felt so out of place. The class was filled with jock-type students, boys with muscular bodies and the signature "fuck boy" look, and girls whom were sporty, some being cheerleaders, all slim but still toned. Looking around, she noticed only a few seats left, one next to some large douche-bag looking jock, one among the preppy cheerleaders, and one in the back corner next to a girl who was staring quietly out the window. Groaning, Kate realized she really only had one choice and headed toward the back corner to the quiet girl. "Is this seat taken?" she asked in a quiet but uninterested voice, "no, not at all, have a seat," the girl replied back in a positive inviting voice as she turned to look at Kate. Their eyes met and the mystery girl smiled as she scooted slightly over to make more room for Kate.

As Kate sat, the girl held her hand out, "the name's Nikki, you don't seem like you want to be here," she said with a small giggle. Kate timidly took her hand, shaking it as she replied, "Kate, and I don't want to be here, I'm being changed out next week thankfully." To which the girl just laughed slightly, "probably best, the jocks get really competitive with each other when pretty girls join this class," Nikki replied, scanning the room as she spoke, meeting Kate's eyes with a flirty wink. Kate just laughed as she too scanned the room, seemingly checking these jocks out, "they're not my type anyway," she replied with a slightly shaky voice. "And what is your type?" Nikki questioned with a small smirk tugging at her lips, "not these guys, that's for sure," Kate replied laughing slightly. "Just not these guys? Or not guys in general?" Nikki asked, with an even bigger smirk than before playing on her lips, lips that Kate couldn't take her eyes from. Looking away from her lips, she was about to reply denying what the girl in front of her had just assumed when the teacher entered the room demanding silence from the class.

The rest of the lesson was spent with Kate and Nikki cracking jokes together and getting know each other right up until the bell rang signaling the end of the period. "Sucks you won't be here next week you know,"Nikki said to Kate as she wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they left the classroom for second period. "Hmm, I guess," Kate replied sheepishly, "we can still hang's my number cutie, don't be a stranger," Nikki replied as she gave Kate a small kiss on the cheek and handed her a note containing her number before walking away. Kate smiled down at the paper in her hand before tucking it in her jacket pocket and making her way to her next class, English.

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