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> Song: Le Cœur Éléphant by Fréro Delavega <
Adrien's POV

I land swiftly into my room an immediately detransform. Plagg immediately goes to search for school and I cautiously sit down on my bed, afraid I might fall. I stare blankly at the floor unsure what to think.

Marinette kissed me. She actually kissed me. She knew I was joking, but still kissed me. Does she like me? Or was it a joke?

Of course it was a joke she doesn't even know who you are. Oh my god when she finds out who I am.... Wait am I going to have to tell her? No. That's not smart.

"Kid are you okay?" Plagg asks flying up next to me.

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask in a defensive tone.

"You just seem a little-"

"Dazed, confused? Nope just same old Adrien," I try to tell him but her raises his eyebrows at me.

"Is it about that kiss?" Plagg asks obviously seeing right through me.

"No. Why would it phase me?" I ask cringing as my voice cracks.

Obviously I'm phased by this. I think even the blind could tell something's up. I just don't know why I'm like this. I feel nervous for some odd reason. Is  his a panic attack? No I don't think so.

"It seems you have a crush on this girl," Plagg admits making my eyes widen.

"I love Ladybug," I spit out too fast.

"It's been two years, Adrien. She still loves that other guy," he reminds me making me frown. "Why don't you give Marinette a chance?"

"I can't do that!" I exclaims standing up and starting to pace around my room.

"Why not? You never actually denied your feelings for her?" He says staying in one place as I pace. "You have to admit you've avoided answering anything related to who you like for the past couple of months.... AKA when you started to hang out with Marinette more. You have even been more distant to Ladybug herself."

"She kissed me as a joke," I tell him but I have a feeling deep down that we both know I was just telling myself that so I don't get my hopes up.

"Just talk to her Adrien. I'm sure she'll like you more than you'd think," he winks but I don't understand what he means. "Now onto more important matters.... I can't find the cheese."

"I hate you," I mumble flopping onto my bed. "It's in the fridge behind my water."

"Camembert, I'm coming for you!" Plagg exclaims zooming to the mini fridge.

I need to think about this some more. Maybe Plagg is right? No. I love Ladybug and I said I'd wait for her. But.... somethings different now.

I touch my hand to my lips. She kissed me. I can still feel it. Is that- is that wrong?

"Don't forget you have a photoshoot right after school," Natalie reminds me as we reach the school.

"Yes, thank you," I mumble.

I get out of the car without any other word spoken from either of us. I notice Nino and Alya talking by the door and smile as I head over to them. Nino notices me and wave me over.

"Hey, guys," I smile when I get to them.

"Hey, Adrien," Nino says giving me a hug. "Are you ready for the Math final?"

Oh my god. My eyes widen. I forgot about the math final. I didn't study at all. I was too busy overthinking my whole life.

"We'll take that as a no," Alya laughs looking over my shoulder at something. "Don't worry I think Marinette can relate."

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