Chapter 6

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Myerdden was practicing spells in the clearing with Emalin. Emalin had her spell book out and was trying to teach him how to put up a shield. He had mastered sending the signal, getting out of cells, and healing cuts, bruises, and broken bones. Repelling people, or sending them flying back, was an easy one for him but it could cause serious harm to the knights helping. Creating a shield was the only one he had to complete before he could leave for Jonathan's land. 

Several frustrating hours later, he mastered the spell and finished practicing. It was time to leave.


He arrived in Jonathan's land, with almost no delay. Anchael was the first to meet him.

"Myerdden! You're back!"

"Anchael!" They embraced for a short period of time before continuing to talk.

"Are you okay?" Anchael always asked this question after Myerdden returned ever since the first assassination.

"I'm fine." By now, they were talking through the mind link. "There's something I must tell you."

"What is it? Shouldn't you meet with Father first?"

"He can wait."

"Then tell me."

"Let's go to your chambers first."

They arrived at anchaels chambers in silence.

"What's wrong?" Anchael's voice was filled with concern and worry.

"I learned something while I was away."


"Let me explain without you interrupting."


"It's fine. Jonathan's not your father."

"What?" Myerdden explained what he had learned from Caradan to Anchael. His face was filled with rage.

"He lied to me! I believed him for twenty years and he lied to me! I trusted him, looked up to him, loved him like any son would and he's lied to me for my entire life!"

"Anchael." Myerdden;s voice calmly cut through his thoughts.

"Anchael, you need to get your mother and yourself out of here. Travel to Loholt. You should meet him along the path. Sneak your mother out and then say you're going hunting, or something like that."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine. Of course you would worry about me. I learned some spells that should help. Get out of the kingdom."

"Alright. I'll meet you there."

"Yes. I might take a while to get there." While Myerdden's tone was comforting, his words were not.

Anchael and Myerdden left the chambers. Anchael went to get his mother and then left.


Anchael met his mother outside the gates, and they walked in silence until they met Loholt and his army.

"Stop! Who goes there?" Loholt's voice ran clear.

"Is that you , Loholt?" the queen asked.

"Aedrnea? Is it really you?"

"Yes." Loholt ran over nad embraced her, holding her tight.

"Is Anchael with you?"

"Yes." Anchael answered that time. He was slightly nervous at meeting Loholt.

On the Wrong SideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang