In Washington, the aliens were placed under heavy security until they were taken to the lab to be examined by the scientists and their ship was put into storage until it, too, could be looked at thoroughly by everyone. The ship and the visitors were classified as top secret and only the people authorized were allowed to enter. One scientist, Janet Sonsing, a Chinese‑American was in charge and looked at the visitors by herself while the rest of her team looked at the ship.

"My name is Janet Sonsing, I won't hurt you and you can trust me on that. I am going to be in charge of examining you while you're in our custody. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, I understand. We gave ourselves up to protect a little town that became our friends. The lieutenant who brought us here was throwing everything they had it, so the people would turn us in to protect their town and they didn't. The men there were brave, they were getting hurt and a couple were killed. We didn't like that, so when the women and children we were protecting were asleep, we ran to the ship and gave ourselves up. Now, we are here and we are ready to take whatever you are going to do to us. But, we must know if our friends are O.K. or not and then we will take your test."

"O.K., I'll find out about your friends and report the lieutenant who fired on them, O.K.?"

"O.K., thank you very much."

Janet called up Sheriff Jackson, asked how everyone was, and gave the answer to the visitors. She also reported the lieutenant for his actions and was surprised by the reactions to her questions. She went to everyone she knew about what happened and found that it was be hushed up by every department of the military. She had no one to report to, she was getting upset and angry at everything that was going on.

"I reported the soldier and got nothing in return, but I did get a response from the town. There was one man killed and he was a friend of yours I was told. His name was Jonathan Brown and a girl was injured very badly by the name of Jane Holliday. The girl may not pull through I was told because she was shot in the stomach while trying to pull Jonathan Brown to safety. Do you know them at all and if you do, I am very, very sorry for you and them."

"Yes, we know them. They helped us retrieve our friend that we left behind and they were going to keep an eye on him. Did Sheriff Jackson say anything about him at all?"

"As a matter of fact he did, he said your friend started to tear up the town in anger over his two friends and that Jane asked him to sit by her side for awhile. The last time he checked, your friend was still their comforting her over the loss of Jonathan."

"We need to get there before it's to late to safe her or Jonathon."

"He's already dead, so you can't bring him back."

"We can, we learned that a human's brain remains active for more than two hours and it's only been an hour. If we get there before the last hour is up, we can still save him. You must help us to get free and to help our friends."

"I'd like to, but I don't know how I can do it. We are very heavily guarded and your ship is being guarded by a hundred soldiers with high powered rifles that can shoot quite a distance."

"Tell the superior officer that we can help the injured people in the little town and that we need our ship to get there before it's to late."

"I'll try, but I'm not promising anything. O.K.?"


Janet went to her superiors and told them everything. She told them, that the visitors were advanced in the medical field and that it's their fault these people are hurt, not to mention near death as they speak. She begged and begged for them to help those people plus think about what it would mean to medicine for knowledge of alien medicine.

Janet was getting worried that they might not get to Jonathan and Jane in time to save them. She sat for about ten minutes and paced the floor for what seemed an eternity waiting for an answer to whether they can go or not. She waited and waited for them to give an answer. At the end of fifteen minutes, she was ordered to take the aliens to their ship and help the people in the town then to return with both the aliens and ship.

She was so relieved that she went straight back to get the visitors and then went to the ship, where she showed here orders to the head Military Police officer in charge. She went to the ship, got everyone in, and took off for the town. They arrived in under twenty minutes with fifteen to spare and went to John's body. As soon as they got close, they started to work on him and Janet was there to observe the procedure and help if needed. It the fifteen minutes to get the life back in John, another half-hour for the brain to react, and an hour all together for the blood transfusion that was needed. Next, Jane was put on the table and she was magically healed righted in front of the shocked eyes of Janet.

"It's time for us to get back, but for what you've done here, I will let you leave. Get in your ship and head for home before the soldiers come again."

"What about you, what will happen to you?"

"They'll be court‑martial and shot for knowing to much or disappear, never to be seen again."

Xan stepped forward and raised a hand to Janet as if to shake her hand, but held her hand and took her to the ship. He told her to get into a pod that looked like a pod that suspends the animation of an object until revived.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Get inside and we'll put you in suspended an animation until we get back to our world where you can stay as a guest until your last day of living, that is if you want to go?"

"Yes, I would love to go. But why me and not one of your friends here?"

"Because you helped us and now we're going to help you, O.K.?"

"O.K., thank you very much."

"You are welcome."

The aliens put her into deep sleep and told their friends good‑bye. They waved back at them from out of the ship's back wash. The door on the ship appeared and sealed the opening shut. The ship went straight up, out of sight of everyone, and left the planet Earth behind. They told their friends that they will return and hopefully, aliens will be welcomed with open arms and not by soldiers with guns ready to hurt anyone who gets in their way.

The little town and all of its inhabitants went back to their normal, simple lives. Jane and John had their lives changed forever by their friends from another world and were grateful for being alive. They stayed together and got married the next day, that way nothing would separate them. Nothing would except death, that's how great their love was towards each other and to the friends that had helped to protect them. They didn't know if the visitors would return, but if they did, they would be ready to help them in anyway they could and the town would be ready for another military invasion, if they did return.

The visitors were feeling something, too, something for their friends on the blue planet they had just left behind and hoped they could return someday. Moid had a surprise on board and he was very happy because it was an earth girl, who decided to stay with Moid to keep him happy plus to keep him calm after the ordeal they just went through. The others were happy to have her on board and told her she could stay with Moid. They also said that when they arrived back on the planet, she would get a minor operation so she will be like Moid and they could stay together forever and ever.


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