Chapter 2

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The train comes to a stop at the station in Central. Finally arriving at her destination, Skyla stands up from her seat to stretch a bit before exiting the train. A man in a military outfit holds a sign with her name on it. She immediately walks over to them as they escort her to a car. Once inside, the person was a military officer transforms into a young male with palm tree like hair. Of course, our protagonist is very familiar with this person. As the young man drives, he starts up a conversation.

"So how was your little check up?" They ask.

"Not bad at all. Nothing is wrong with my automail so it didn't cost as much as it would if it needed repairs. Anyways, may I ask what you and Father need from me?" Skyla asks having a feeling that the driver already knows what her next errand is going to be.

"Father wants you to go to Rush Valley to keep an eye on the Fullmetal pipsqueak. He has been getting pretty nosy. Luckily, he doesn't fully know what our plans are." The young man says as a small smirk appears on his face.

"I see. So before that, we are going to check in with the Fuhrer?"

"Bingo. This is just to make sure that everything is secure with your travels as well as to confirm that the mission will go into motion."

"Alright. I guess I can say hi to the Colonel too, if that isn't too much."

"Not at all. It actually will help with clearing away any suspicion among those of lower ranks."

"I guess that's a good thing." Skyla says as the car comes to a stop and the young man transforms back into a military officer.

He gets out of the car first to open the door for her. She slowly gets out of the car before the disguised man shuts the door and leads her into Central Command. Once inside the building, he then escorts her to the Fuhrer's office. Many of the lower ranked officers were confused as to why someone who wasn't a military officer nor a state alchemist would have the honor of speaking to the leader of the entire nation. It was not a far walk for the pair to reach the office. The man opens the door before walking in and looking at the Fuhrer's current assistant. She looks up at them before down at some of her papers. As she does so, the office door opens to reveal a middle aged man with an eyepatch over one of his eyes. He gives a polite smile before gesturing for them to come in. They do so without hesitation before the man disguised as a military officer closes the office door.

"I assume you have already been informed of your next errand." The middle aged man inquires.

"Yes, I have. My next destination after saying hello to the Colonel will be Rush Valley to survey the Elrics." She says before seeing the Fuhrer nod.

"Correct. Good to know that you know exactly what you will be doing. I will be sure to inform Father that you will be carrying out your next mission without complications." He says before looking through some paperwork that lay on his desk. "You are dismissed. I hope to hear more good news soon."

After his last comment, Skyla and the disguised man leave the office.

"I'll wait for you in the car outside. You have 15 minutes to talk to the Colonel before you have to go." The man says before pointing where she can find said Colonel. She nods as she heads that way while the man with her goes towards the entrance of the building.

As she walks, she notices a familiar blonde woman walking her way. Not exactly towards her, but down the same hall in a different direction. Skyla smiles before waving to the blonde who notices her and smiles a little before walking towards her.

"Skyla, It's nice to see you. Coming in to say hi to the Colonel?" She asks with a kind smile.

"It's nice to see you too, Riza. Yes, I'm here to say hi to Roy before I have to go." Skyla answers with a smile back.

"Where do you have to go now?"

"Rush Valley. My mechanic wants me to check out some of the automail models there to see what she can improve on her automail. She also wants me to saw hello to one of her friends." Skyla says. To those who have no clue why she is really going there, it seems like something she definitely would do. Especially since she and her mechanic have been such good friends for years.

"I see. Well, I hope you have fun while you are there."

"I will. Thanks." Skyla says before continuing her small journey to Roy's office. "See you around." She says before waving goodbye to Riza.

Riza waves goodbye back as she continues making her way to wherever she needs to go. It doesn't take very long for Skyla to reach the door to Roy's office. She knocks on it a couple times before who she wanted to speaks to opens the door. She smiles at him before he lets her walk in.

"So what brings you here?" He asks.

"Just wanted hello to you before I head to Rush Valley." She says before tapping her foot twice. This was to tell him to pay attention to the names she says in a small catch up conversation. "So how has Ed been doing?"

"He's doing fine. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright. I heard about his trip to Lior and about the priest." She says as she notices him keeping track of the names of people and places.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, there's been a rebellion there not too long after he unmasked the priest."

"That's a shame. I passed by Riza on my way here. She seems as busy as ever."

"As always."

"Oh, by the way, my friend Isabel says to help her to get Central so she can meet you."

"Tell her I will see what I can do."

"I'll be sure to let her know. I also heard a lot of fighting in the South has been occurring lately." She says before tapping her foot twice again to signal that she was done with him needing to keep track. "Anyways, I've gotta get going. My ride to the station is waiting for me. I'll come by again to say hi again." She says before getting up to leave. She waves goodbye with a smile.

She walks out of his office before heading to the entrance of Central Command. The Colonel definitely got the message, he just wasn't completely sure what she was planning with the Elrics. He would just have to see when he sees her or the Elrics again. 

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