"good work." my father says. "now, as your father, i'm expecting to see you at family dinner on sunday."

"i'll be there dad." i respond before hanging up the phone and going downstairs to meet nick.

"you know, i read the masterpiece last night," nick says as i get into the squad car. "it's graphic, i'll tell you that."

"yeah, i know i was up last night reading it too. i don't get the thrill of it all, to be honest."

"me either, but for some people i guess it spices it up." he shrugs. "but, something's not right about this."

"the belt around the neck thing, that's insane, along with many other things in that book. i get it, people are into s-and-m, but, when it's rape, it's rape. cain can fight this all her wants, but by the way jocelyn's neck looks,"

"i know, i know. that's not what i mean." he interrupts. "what i mean is, something else is up. i can just feel it."

"when we get back, we'll ask the captain if we can look further into it."

"but, you got strings to pull in the nypd though, right? we could probably get more information,"

"before you finish that sentence, not really, i don't, no. i have been on the job long enough for people to trust me that i won't go to my father every time something isn't by the book." i correct him. "if you ever think internal affairs is hard on you, i get it ten times harder just because of who my family is."

"sorry, i shouldn't have said that."

"don't worry about it, amaro. just, don't think because my father is the police commissioner, i have pull. i worked my ass of to get to where i am."

"understood, partner." he says before we park and enter the manhattan district attorney's building. "so, i heard you guys go through ada's like revolving doors."

i laugh at his comment as we get on the elevator.

"you aren't wrong. but, it isn't easy to prosecute either so that why i'm wondering who our ada is."

"no one told you?"

i shook my head.

"me either. all i know is that he has big, brass ego."

"well, incase you didn't know, that's a lot of lawyers. i would know, my sister is one of them." i say as he then lets out a chuckle.

as we reach the floor, we show the assistant outside our badges.

"the detectives are here." she says to ada as she opens the door as we walk into the office.

"thanks carmen."

that voice.

it was a voice i heard and woke up with for the past ten years, the one i had missed so much for four months.

as i turned around from where i was looking by the sofa and the table, there he was.

my husband, rafael barba, reading over a file. he hadn't looked up yet.

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