Chapter 1

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The Barden Bellas were the best acapella group around. Chloe Beale was more than sure about that, especially since it was going to be her last year at Barden University and she had spent most of it with her best friend Aubrey alongside the rest of the Bellas, making music... with just their mouths.

It was a relatively sunny day and all acapella groups (as well as other clubs like the Deaf Jews) had their stands put up, ready for anyone new who was willing to join them. Chloe and Aubrey stood under the heat for hours, giving out flyers that read, 'Join the Barden Bellas!'. Some girls threw them in the trash can nearby and a few shoved them into their pockets or bags.

"This is a disaster, Chloe," Aubrey stated. Chloe nodded and was just about to give up and throw the flyers into the air when a small-sized brunette walked up to them. Chloe's heart skipped a beat. The girl was what most would call alternative; dark, heavy mascara around her eyes, a few tattoos and ear piercings on both ears. In Chloe's eyes, she was different. A good kind of different.

"Acapella? That's like, a thing now, isn't it?" Chloe heard the girl ask. Chloe smiled and said, "Oh, totes." Aubrey began to list all the acapella groups on campus and Chloe drifted back to her previous state; gazing at the petite girl in front of her. The girl glanced at Chloe with a small smile while Aubrey finished off her list, "- and the troublesome Treblemakers." She moved her attention back to Aubrey and said, "Um, to be honest, it sounds pretty lame." Aubrey opened her mouth to make a comeback, but Chloe nudged her slightly with her elbow to shut her up. "Well, auditions are tomorrow in the auditorium if you'd like to try out," she smiled. The brunette shot them a thumbs up and walked off saying, "Well, I don't even sing."


By the end of the day, Chloe and Aubrey weren't as hopeful as they were in the morning. Aubrey headed back to the dorms after her last class for the day and bumped into Chloe as she opened the door to their room. She was wearing her favourite purple robe. "Oh, hey. I was just going to take a quick shower. I'll be back in a bit!"

Chloe had been in the shower for a couple of minutes when she heard the door to the girls' bathroom squeak open. A shadow walked past her stall and she was humming a song softly. Chloe listened closely as the stranger turned her shower on in the stall next to hers and began singing. "I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose..."

Chloe pushed the curtain that separated them aside and was surprised to see that it was the brunette from earlier today. "You can sing!" she exclaimed. The girl (with tattoos on her back), turned around and immediately covered up her body with whatever she had with her in the shower when she saw the redhead standing there with a gigantic grin.

"Dude! What are you doing?!" she asked, clearly shocked. Chloe stepped forward and turned the shower off. "You should really come to the auditions tomorrow. You'd be a great addition to the Bellas," she smiled. "I can't concentrate on anything you're saying until you cover up your junk!" the brunette cried, trying as hard as she could to not look down at the redhead's body.

"The song you were singing. Titanium, right?" Chloe asked. Their eyes met. "You know David Guetta?" the brunette gave her a smile. Chloe raised an eyebrow and said, "Have I been living under a rock? Yeah. It's my lady jam. Song really builds."

The two stood silently for a moment, until Chloe broke the silence. "Sing it for me." The brunette gave her an "are you serious?" look. Chloe stood where she was with her head held high. "I'm not leaving until you do."

The brunette looked to the wall on her right and began singing. Chloe joined in, harmonising perfectly with her.

When they both stopped and the silence came around again, they stared awkwardly into each other's eyes until Chloe said, "I didn't get your name." The girl bit her lip and smiled, "Beca." Chloe nodded and introduced herself.

The brunette glanced down at Chloe's slender body for a split second. Chloe then mentioned that she was "pretty confident about... all this", gesturing to her body. Beca gave her an amused look and said, "You should be."


Chloe and Aubrey hurried to the auditorium the next morning and sat amongst the rest of Barden's acapella groups as they watched fresh faces step on stage one by one, to sing Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson.

Where is she? Chloe found herself thinking about Beca yet again. She couldn't fall asleep the previous night, due to her constant thoughts about her obvious connection with the little brunette in the showers. But she couldn't help it. She felt instantly attracted to her the moment they met.

"Okay, well, that was depressing," Aubrey sighed, snapping Chloe out of her bubble. People began shuffling towards the exit when Chloe spotted the brunette by the door. "Wait!" she shouted. She smiled and beckoned for Beca to enter.

"Um.. hey. I didn't know we had to sing that particular song, so..." Beca trailed off. "That's okay, you can sing whatever you like," Chloe assured her. Beca asked if she could borrow the cup that held pencils and pens that was on the desk in front of Chloe and Aubrey and when they nodded, she emptied the cup and used it to sing the Cup Song.

When the song ended, Chloe's face was beaming and Aubrey quite frankly, didn't look too impressed. But the redhead didn't notice that, because all she could see was the fact that Beca would be in the Bellas and that they would get to know each other better. Especially at the initiation party.

Chloe looked up at the beautiful brunette. "That was perfect."

Okay, hi. I realise that this starts off almost exactly like the movie does. But do not fret! I have some other things in store. Okay? Okay.

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