Chapter 1

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Chloe's POV~
Walking towards my usual spot I tugged my grey hoodie close to me. It had belong to my older brother before the accident, it was filthy and definitely in need of a wash but I couldn't bring myself to wipe out the once familiar musk of my brother. That and there is no way I could afford a washing machine anyway. The night was fairly warm for London so I wasn't surprised to see the streets full of tourists and people leaving restaurants.

I set down my guitar case and just sat there taking in the moment. This time last year this would have been the last thing I ever expected to be happening. My family was relatively normal I guess. Mum worked in retail, dad was a carpenter, older brother in college and me about to start my GCSE's at school. See normal. We were not rich by any means but we were happy and that's all that mattered. In fact I would have said we struggled with money, until now when I have to busk every night to attempt to scrap enough money for a B&B room. I would do anything to be back there, at home on the sofa with my family watching tv and laughing together. Before I realise it I'm wiping a stray tear from escaping down my cheek.

Enough! I think to myself. They wouldn't want me to be upset. But then again they would want me sat outside on the street in the dark at 11pm every night....

I tuck my long brunette hair behind my ear and begin to strum my guitar. Like always I sing the same songs, more-so the only songs I remember my dad teaching me the chords to. Slowly I get lost in the music, tuning out what is happening around me. Suddenly I feel my battered red converse getting tipped out of my guitar case...someone is taking my money! I look up and a man, clearly homeless like me, has grabbed my money and guitar case and is running away with it. I spring to my feet.

"Oiii" I call out to the man, but for some reason I don't run after him.
I'm well aware I wouldn't be able to get my things but usually I would try.

Again I find myself raising my hand to wipe my tears. What's going on tonight? I never cry! Slowly I step back to my corner and sink to the ground. I put my grey hood up and begin to hug myself tightly whilst silent tears refuse to stop streaming down my cheeks.

"Excuse me Ma'am" I hear a voice say.

It's definitely not British-it's unfamiliar, Australian maybe?

"I've been watching you, will you let me help you?" The voice continues.

Not Australian, it's American.
I look up and my watery blue eyes are met with a pair of intense grey, caring eyes belonging to a tall young man with copper wavy hair. He's wearing an expensive looking suit and looks like he's walked straight out of a magazine.

"I'm Theodore Grey I would like to help"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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