shido vs fallen angel

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Shido pov

This. Is. Fucking. Boring.

Right now I'm with my (self proclaimed) wife tokha watching the so called 'Red dragon emporor' and his friends fight some fallen angel called kokoballs or something

"Hay honey don't you think we should help them" said tokha and in all honesty I did want to but only because I knew that the vanishing dragon was watching and i just wanted to piss him off

"Yha i guess" then I got up and said

"Do you want to come with me for a dramatic entrance" I had a grin on my face and she smiled and said

"Of course my love" honesty i don't know where i would be with out tohka or the other girls

No one pov

Kokoballs (writeing his name like that because i can😄) created a giant spear of light and was about to throw it until green portals opened and restricted his movements

"What! Who would- oh no i know these chains!!!" Yelled kokoballs

"My my what do we have here a little bird messing with little worms" everyone looked up to see shido and tohka as the landed on the ground

"Hello trash and church trash how are you?" Said shido to the ORC and xenovia and as soon as she saw him xenovia knew who he was

"Why is the second dragon god here?!" Said kokoballs only to get a energy sword in the chest

"Do not call me SECOND to anyone!!! Got that you little crow!! I am the one TRUE dragin god!!!!" Yelled shido while releasing 3% of his power causing everyone to drop to there knees

"Hmmm...why do i smell Ddraig?" Said shido he then saw the boosted gear on isseis arm and said

"Ohh no don't tell me this sad excuse for a human and even MORE sorry excuse for a devil is the current red dragon emperor" shido then walked towards issei and examined the boosted gear and said

"Wow you are even sadder then I thought!!! You are badly able to boost you power,you made a move called 'Dress Breack' because your a huge perv and your SO far from even coming anywhere NEAR reaching balance breaker!!!" And shido graves the boosted gear and said

"Hay kid mind if i take this?...actually I don't care for you opinion you perv" he then took the boosted gear OFF of issei arm shocking everyone and said

"Hay Ddraig mind if i take you from him?" He asked the boosted gear

"Please do it! He has so many perverted thought a day its killing me!" Said Ddraig from the boosted gear

"Alrighty then I will be taking this!" Shido put the boosted gear on his arm and HIS boosted gear turnd green with a red jewel and black spikes

"There we go that's better" said shido as the gear disipired from his arm and shido turns to kokoballs

"Ok birdy time to die" then a energy spear rammed right threw kokoballs head killing him

"Well that was interesting...well tohka lets go home" he and tohka were going to leave until rias yelled


"First no and second ruin bitch princess I am the TRUE dragon god shido turumi but you may call me Oroboros seeing as i don't want you filthy whore mouth saying my name" he then opens a magic circle and said

"Well by bitchess and yuto kiba your sister yumi says hi" kiba was shocked and was going to say something until he vanished along with tohka

And with that ends are first meeting with the ORS and shido


Ok well that's all guys buy

Sneek peek at next time: crimson satan and green Oroboros

Sirzechs: shido turumi

Shido: radish head

Bye guys

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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