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all hyunjin could see was roses, roses and presents inside gift bags and endless amounts of teddy bears. the feeling of people caring so deeply, the feeling of care, was so flattering to him; it made him feel important important, not just 'popular' important.

or, at least, he thought it would, because the gifts weren't for him.

hyunjin picked up an stuffed panda bear that fell near his seat, rolling his eyes and placing it in front of him on the table. he decided not to venture into the small crowd that was formed in the front of the classroom to return it just yet.

"seungmin we missed you!"

"seungmin, i baked you this cupcake!"

"i'm so glad you're back, seungmin!"

"i'm so glad you're back seungmin." hyunjin mocked. he never understood why the boy was always gone, and why everybody cared so much when he came back. from what he observed, seungmin didn't talk to any of the people that were so estatic for his return. even thinking about it frustrated hyunjin, and he rolled his eyes yet again.

"if you keep doing that, they'll get stuck." chan sighed, talking over the noise. "why do even care what's going on with him? i thought you don't like him."

"i don't like him. i care because he leaves for no reason, spontaneously comes back, and wastes class time by taking everybody's attention! it's annoying. "

chan sighed once more, shaking his head at his younger friend's petty behavior. "have you ever thought of asking him why he's always out? maybe he has good reason." chan wasn't friends with seungmin either, but they'd talked before and he seemed like a very nice person who definitely didn't seem like the type to go searching for attention.

judging by hyunjin's silence, chan continued to talk. "yeah, i didn't think so. just don't let it bother you, and don't judge him, okay? you never know what some people are going through." hyunjin just huffed and lightly drew swirly lines on the table with his eraser; he hated when his best friend was right, which was quite often.

"you know what?" hyunjin somewhat frustratedly pushed himself out of his chair, "you're right. sorry sir chan, i'll make it up to him." he muttered, grabbing the panda resting on the table. as irked as chan made him (for no justifiable reason,) he did feel somewhat guilty. talking about people the way he just did was very unlike him, and he figured that the least he could do was return a cheap stuffed animal.

after taking a deep breath, as if fearful for his life, hyunjin tapped on his shoulder. "hey seungmin?"

"yes?" the younger turned around, giving a small smile that nearly made hyunjin's mouth go dry. the two had never really spoken to each other, not for more than a few minutes, and hyunjin had certainly never taken the time to notice any of seungmin's physical traits (he was fair skin and had brown hair, what else was needed to know?)

but here he was, near broken-jawed at a mere smile.

the sound of a small cough brought the tall boy out of his thoughts. "um, hello? you okay hyunjin?" seungmin asked, furrowing his brow.

"me? oh yeah, i'm fine." he quickly breathed out, continuing to scan his eyes over the boy standing in front of him. seungmin had deep brown eyes, just short of black, that were so gorgeously mesmerizing, and he glowed almost as much as his smile did. it was so apparent, hyunjin wondered how he never saw it before.

it was unclear to hyunjin how he never realized how attractive seungmin was.

"um, so..." seungmin trailed off, beginning to grow uncomfortable at hyunjin's strange behavior, "can i help you? or do you need something-"

"yes! well, no i don't need anything, but i can help you. not help you, i didn't mean that, i-" hyunjin sighed, taking a second to think about his words before he continued to stumble over them (and further embarrass himself,) "this is yours. i found it earlier." he placed the bear in seungmin's hands, nearly storming off before seungmin had the chance to thank him.

he was embarrassed as to how foolish he acted in front of the younger boy, he never acted that way in front of anybody. it was almost guaranteed that their interaction would be engraved into seungmin's brain, because it would definitely be in hyunjin's, and he probably thought he was weird now. but then again, what did hyunjin care?

it didn't matter that seungmin was attractive; hyunjin still didn't like him. there was nothing special about him, he was just another classmate. an attention-stealing, above average looking classmate.

and hyunjin definitely didn't like him.

✩   ・    ✩   ・  ✩   ・  ✩   ・  ✩   ・  ✩   ・  ✩  

hi guys lol

i say "guys" like anybody is reading this lmao

anyways, once again, hi!

as you (assuming, again, that somebody is reading this) can probably see, i'm a little weird i guess? and also kind of annoying but that isn't the point

the point is welcome to unconditionally :) ! this is going to be a time and a HALF for both you and me as long as you:

a) never expect my updates to be good (the plot is good, in my opinion, but i'm definitely not the best writer)

b) bear with me in case i have inconsistent updates! you'd think that i would be free since it's summer, which i am moderately for the next 4 or 5 weeks, but then things are gonna get really hectic for me. plus when i don't know how to continue/finish a chapter i just panic and abandon it for a few days, which naturally because i'm not a good writer happens often.

okay just wanted to warn you early lmao

um i'm currently working on the first chapter of one of my other fics (i have three right now,) so just in case the off chance that you liked this enough to read anything else i'm working on, i'll post a heads up when i publish them? but i don't even have any readers yet so i shouldn't get too far ahead of myself

you're probably SICK of hearing (reading?) me ramble on and on so I'M GONNA GO and enjoy your day/afternoon/night/midnight? early morning? idk anyways bye

edit: i know this is an unnecessarily long a/n but if you're reading this right now please comment and say if you liked it? it would make me less anxious and prone to deleting it entirely lol

i say lol and lmao a lot okay bye for real this time

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