xii. want you back

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I'm always gonna
want you back

YOU AWKWARDLY STOOD TO THE SIDE AS YOU WAITED FOR PETER TO FINISH CONTEMPLATING ON WHAT COLORED SPRINKLES TO ADD TO HIS FROZEN YOGURT. A laugh slipped past your lips when the sprinkles overflowed from the cup and onto the floor. Peter looked around, wondering if anyone had seen his mishap.

"That was... not intended," Peter set his cup on the counter, pulling out his wallet. You attempted to protest, but he quickly handed over a twenty dollar bill to the person behind the counter. A pout came to your lips, thanking Peter until the both of you found an empty booth to sit at. As you were about to sit down on the opposite side of the table, Peter grabbed your hand and pulled you down next to him.

You frowned, not overthinking any of it before pulling a piece of your dessert onto your spoon. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, eyes locked on the slowly melting frozen yogurt sat in your paper cups. Peter took the simple second to take his spoon and steal a scoop of yours, marshmallow sauce and hot fudge painting a smile on his face. You grinned and held yourself back from wiping your thumb across his cheek and erasing the chocolate. A part of you wanted to be cuddled up in his welcoming arms again, but the other overthought and wondered if Peter wanted you back or if his feelings truly resided away from his heart. 

He cleared his throat, quickly making your attention turn back to him again. "I want to apologize - again. Each time you looked at me with your stunning eyes I literally think I fell apart. I knew I should have just simply swallowed my nerves and actually talked to you like I planned to," His voice quietly lowered in the slightest bit. You could have cared less about your dessert on the table, turning your body towards Peter and encouraging him to continue on with his little speech; not quite sure where it was going.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm, well, in love with you? I didn't know how I felt until you left, which is a pretty disappointing thing to say. I know things were a bit rocky when we started dating, and I think we were going a little too fast. I'm in love with you y/n, and I want you back, I never got over you."

Your lips parted in the slightest bit but nothing came out, a small smile tugging at the corners instead. Peter's brown eyes sparkled with hope, noticing your body leaning closer into him. Your hands cupped the sides of his face, running your thumb over his soft cheek.

Since you could remember, your secret nickname for Peter happened to be baby-face, considering his skin was always extremely soft and that his features hadn't changed too much from when he was a baby. In fact, you happened to have a small baby scrapbook from May filled with your absolute favourite pictures of Peter stored under your bed. You often pulled the book out to tease Peter whenever he brought one of your embarrassing moments into light again.

Peter's hand delicately pushed a piece of stray hair behind your ear, brown eyes going softer than ever. The two of you exchanged loving gazes before you spoke up. "I love you too, Peter. I think we can fix everything and go a little slower. No more secrets, okay?" You whispered, lips only centimeters from his.

He nodded, bringing his hands down to meet your waist. You swiftly pressed your lips to his, wanting to feel his lips on yours again and relive the moment when he first kissed you at Liz's party. You could feel his lips smile into the kiss, one of his hands softly combing through your hair.

Someone loudly cleared their throat from the booth beside you two, "it's about fucking time!"

You broke the kiss, turning to the side and looking at whoever dared to interrupt your sentimental kiss. However, a rather loud laugh slipped out of your lips when you realized Ned and Michelle were snickering underneath dark hoodies. "Yeah, about fucking time, Parker." You leaned your head on his shoulder.

The four of you sat there in light laughter until Peter's fingers hooked underneath your chin and pulled up your eyes to meet his. He slightly pursed his lips, pressing another quick kiss to your lips before pulling out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket.

You tried to suppress the laugh when you realized how many times he had folded the paper. Nine, ten, eleven. Peter held up the rather large poster board with a cheeky smile, your eyes scanning over the messy writing and scribbles.

FACT. Nothing will BEET taking you to homecoming!

Would you do me the honor of being my date to hoco?

author's note

hey babes, I would have had this chapter up sooner but I have had such a busy week! tomorrow (I hope) I'll have the very last chapter up! I'm so sad that this book is literally gonna be over, but I have a few things up my sleeve ;)

I love you guys sm ❤️

✓  lie to me  ,  p. parker x reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن