2 - School and a Show

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Yuki groaned as the light coming through the window directly hit her eyes. She didn't want to get up! It was too early. Suddenly MonstaX song Hero began to play. Great Yuki sighed. That meant it was time to get up and get ready for school. Hearing Monsta X made it a little easier to get up. Yuki quickly gathered her things and made her way to the bathroom. It wasn't fun getting up earlier than the others but this meant she had more time to get ready and hot water.

"Yuki!" Hongbin muffled voice could be heard through the door. "Stop taking so long! I need to pee!"

"Hold  it!" Yuki called back as she carefully applied her mascara and eyeliner.

"I'll pee on favorite stuffed animal!"

"I'll shave your head in your sleep!"

"Yuki," Hakyeon's voice came through the door. "Stop threatening your brother and try not to be much longer."

"Ne eomma!" Yuki called. She grabbed a clip and allowed her hair to stay down but out of her face. There! She was done. Satisfied she unlocked the door. Hongbin was leaning against the wall arms crossed and frowning. Yuki stuck her tongue out at him as she walked past. His response was slamming the bathroom door shut.

"Yuki go wake your brothers." N requested as he began setting the table.

"Ne." She smiled and skipped to the boys room. Hyuk wasn't hard to wake up. A light shake and gently pulling his arm and he was up.

"My precious baby brother is so cute in the morning!" Yuki cooed. She did a complete 180 with Wonsik.

"Ya! Oppa!" She shook him. It did nothing. "Wake up!" She carefully kicked him. All she got in response was a light snore. She huffed leaving the room.

"Eomma! Sikie won't wake up!" She pouted. Hakyeon sighed. "Finish breakfast. I'll get him up."

Yuki tested the food before cringing. Ugh Hakyeon was not the best cook. She quickly doctored it up. A taste test proved it to be safe and yummy. With breakfast being finished Yuki set the table.

"Princess." Hongbin called grabbing her attention. Yuki hummed and continued setting the table. He sighed before turning her to face him. He held a sparkly pink bow clip. Yuki formed an 'O' and held still while Hongbin carefully placed it in her hair.

"Thank you Oppa." She smiled.

"Your welcome. Now stop hogging the bathroom in the morning!"

"Get up earlier than me."

"I need my beauty rest."

"I'm the Princess! I'm the one that should be getting the beauty rest! Besides you boys always make the bathroom such a mess when your done."

"Are two at it again?" Hyuk asked dressed in his uniform and sitting at the table. He reached for the food before both Yuki and Hongbins hand grabbed his wrist.


"What have we told you before?" Yuki scolded. "Wait for your?"

"Elders." HE mumbled. "But I'm hungry!" He whined.

"Tch. Such a baby still." Hongbin muttered.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"



Yuki rolled her eyes at the immature boys. Her eyes lit up upon seeing her father awake.

"Appa!" She leaped up to hug him. He smiled hugging her back. Hakyeon came out leading a still sleepy Wonsik. Everyone sat down as Hakyeon proudly stated he made breakfast. At that knowledge everyone paused mid bite.

Royal Rookies (Sequel to Appa Leo VFF)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя