Chapter 5

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Adrian/Cat Noir's POV:
I can't believe it, Ladybug is Marinette. Marinette is Ladybug.

Oh my gosh. I rejected Marinette, who is Ladybug. What if we reveal our identities to each other and she doesn't like me anymore. I just have to get on good terms with Marinette. I go to the bathroom to transform. "Plagg, claws out!" *transformation*

I go and help Ladybug. "Hello m'lady." "Hey Cat Noir."

Time skip to after battle because I can't write a battle scene

"Pound it," we both say after defeating Love Controller. Her miraculous beeps. "Time to go, bye," she says. "Wait, I want to know your identity," I say, playing it off as if I don't know.

"You know our identities must remain a secret." "I guess your right, have a purrfect night," I say and head out.

Marinette/Ladybugs POV
That was weird, he never just gives up. Oh well. I head home and as soon as I land on my balcony my transformation wears off.

It was late so I decided to go to sleep. I change into my pajamas, and as I'm heading to my dresser to pull out my hair bands. I here a knock from my balcony, must be cat.

"Come in," I say. "Hey princess," he says. "Hey cat," I reply. "So how's your day been?" "Good, yours?" "Good," "good."

There was an awkward silence. "Well, gotta go, bye," he says. "Bye." After that I take the hair bands out of my hair and go to sleep.

Time skip to morning

I wake up and get dressed for school. I go downstairs. "Good morning mom, good morning dad." "Good morning Marinette," both my parents say.

I quickly eat breakfast and say goodbye to my parents. I head to school and when I get there I see my friends, Nino, Alya, and, Adrian.

"Hey Nino, Hey Alya," I say to them. "Hey Adrian." "Hey Marinette," all three of them reply. "Um, Marinette, can I talk to you, alone?" Adrian asks. "Uh, sure," I say as he pulls me away.

He makes sure no one is around. Then he leans down to my ear and says, "did you have a good nights sleep bugaboo?" He asks.

Wait, did he just-

"Your Cat Noir," I say, also whispering. "Yes m'lady, now, I've always wanted to say this, I love you."

I stand there shocked, "no you don't, you love Ladybug," I say. "Exactly, your just like ladybug in your own way, you show the same kindness and you stand up for people, now, do you love me?" He asks. "I, do, I love you!" I say loud. "I love you to," he says louder. He leans in and kisses me, and I can hear a mad Chloe coming towards us.

"How dare you kiss my Adrian, Maritrash, get your filthy hands off of him!" "First off Chloe, I'm not your Adrian, and secondly, do not call my girlfriend names," he says mad.

"You do want to be my girlfriend, right?" "Of course," I say happily. I kiss him again while Chloe storms off.

"Nino, you got all that on film, right?" We here Alya's voice. "Yes ma'am." "Uh, how long were you there?" Adrian asks nervously. "Started filming when you started kissing," Alya replies. "Well, m'lady, would you like me to walk you to class?" "Of course."

Hey guys, no time to talk about the chapter, did you guys see troublemaker? If you didn't I suggest you don't read, so if you didn't, have a good rest of your day! For those of you who did watch troublemaker, do think you think Cat Noir knows Ladybugs identity, I do. Well have a good rest of your day, bye!!
~Tater tot

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