Something, something...

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"Would you please stop flying so damn recklessly ? You are going to get us in trouble again and I really don't want to deal with Red Leader right now." an annoyed Patryck uttered.
"Calm down, would you, I'm handling this just fine" Paul gave him a nonchalant look, but winked just before turning around. " Besides, we've managed to crash this plane 5 times already, but honestly didn't get into that much trou-"
"Don't you mean you ? I always get bonus work because of what you careful..."
Paul smiles at him, amused by his angry boyfriend. "You always look so cute when you're angry..."
"Just..shut up.."

Some time passes as they sit in comfortable silence, it being broken only by Paul lighting himself another cigarette.
"Paul" Patryck called, tired and bored
"Yeah ?"
"Stop it"
"Hm ?"
"Stop smoking so much..."
"Aww, look who cares about me"
Pat rolls his eyes and sighs.
"I just want you to be healthy, you know"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, babe."

Slumping back into the chair was the only thing he could do. Slowly he drifts into a long stare, admiring his boyfriend's tired eyes and face. The other notices, a small grin forming at the corners of his mouth.
"Hey. What'cha lookin' at ?"
"Uhmm, you know I really missed you."
Pau softly snickers "How come ? We are always together"
"Heh. True. I guess I just want more of you..."
"Oh" Paul's eyes widen in surprise. Pat usually isn't that much of an initiator when it comes to their sex life. Most of the time Pau is the horny one that tries to break the ice. Apparently this time was different...
"I don't think it would be appropriate to do That is unless you want to see this plane go down, which would be quite ironic, cause just an hour ago you were scolding me over not flying right"
"Pfft" Pat smiles, his cheeks flushed red. "Of course not here. What would Red Leader say ?"
"So what do you suggest ?" Paul says, one eyebrow raised
"When we're done with this mission, how about we take a little break from all this, go on a date. A real one, something more..special. For you and me."
"I-I'm surprised that's coming from you, heh, but h-hey, sure. We could do that. No. I-I'd love to do that" Paul's cheeks are slowly gaining more color now.
The other man, visibly amused by his boyfriend's awkwardness, brings him into an intense kiss. It felt warm, lips on lips, yearning for each other.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Red Leader busts into the cockpit, irritated.
"Paul, Patryck, you two...W-what the hell are you doing !? We are losing altitude !"
The two men, startled and embarrassed both try to regain composure and, finally, manage to put the plane back in order.
"I swear you two are like fucking hormonal teens. One more instance of this bullshit and you'll both be having serious problems with me! Under-fucking-stood ?!"
"Yes, Red Leader" both muttered in unison.
The door of the cockpit was slammed with force.
"Well that was something"
"Told you you always get me in trouble, Pau"
"How was that my fault ?"
"Just shut up.."

Silence falls over the cockpit again. Paul softly asks "Hey, do you think he'll allow us some free time for our date, or did we really fuck up that bad ?"
"Maybe yes, maybe not. Depends on his mood. I'll see how he feels later and maybe I'll ask.."

Silence again...
"Hey Pat"
"Hm ?"
"I love you.."
"I love you too, Pau.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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