Part 7 (final part)

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The reunion

When Ashley and Jessica got to the aquarium with Aubrey they quickly had to catch her bag and coat as the older blonde threw them behind her.

Ashley looked at Jessica and opened her mouth ready to protest, only to have Jess shake her head.

"Not now Ashley"

The riff-off

🎶 another head hangs lowly
      Child is slowly taken🎶

Ashley turned to face her girlfriend as Calamity stood on the stage singing.

"She's actually pretty good, we're not winning this riff-off"

"Ashley be more positive" Jessica sighed and continued to watch all the other groups perform, joining in with all the Bellas as Beca started singing, only to be upstaged, causing them to walk out.

The hotel

"Do you think we have enough?"

"Yeah, I don't think I can hold anymore"

Jessica smiled at Ashley and they started running towards Aubrey's room, the other Bellas peering out from their rooms.


Back in the hotel

"Did they just say our names?" Jessica looked up from the origami her and Ashley were doing before looking at Ashley for confirmation.

"Don't be stupid"

Jessica looked down again, carrying on with the origami, "It sucks being left out"

"I know"

The casino

"I think we should split up, divide and conquer"

Ashley and Jessica completely ignored what Aubrey was saying, instead choosing to stare at each other.

"That dress would better on our bedroom floor"

Jessica blushed slightly and blinked back into existence just as Aubrey was done talking, taking hold of Ashley's hand and walking with her.

DJ Khaled's suite

Ashley groaned as she slowly got up from the floor, having just been thrown over an indoor bench, going over to help Jessica up who had been thrown on to a table, just in time everyone to be soaked by sprinklers.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Yeah I'm okay, are you?"

"My leg hurts a bit but I'm okay".

Jessica put Ashley's arm around her shoulders to help her, "let's get out of here"

Held hostage

Ashley kept eye contact with Amy's father as he got off the phone with Amy

"So, which two of you, are Ashley and Jessica?"

Unable to blink, Ashley saw out of the corner of her eyes everyone pointing at her, even Jessica, the person she trusted more than anyone.

"Aw shit"


Everyone looked up as Amy broke through the glass roof, Ashley and Jessica running and jumping off the boat with the other Bellas.

Coming up to the surface Jessica looked around for her girlfriend, breathing a sigh of relief as she saw Ashley swimming towards her.

Future plans

After listening to everyone's future plans, Ashley and Jessica were disappointed but not surprised that no one had asked them what they had planned.

Ashley smiled as she looked at Jessica, "Do you know what my future plans are?"

The blonde looked at her and shook her head, "no idea"

"Spending the rest of my life with you"

Jessica smiled and nodded, "that would make me so happy"

Back home

"Well that was an umm, interesting tour"

Jessica smiled as they both sat down on their sofa, "it's good that Aubrey's Dad gave her enough money to help her get back on her feet, it's just you and me here from now on".

Ashley kissed her girlfriend a few times and pulled back, both girls smiling at each other.

"Will you marry me?"

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