fighting ( part one )

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hey so at the end of this chap, i will tell you how this relates to me in real life.                                            **************************************************************************************

narrarators POV

so all day today danielle and miranda have been arguing. the teachers have just gotten involved.

MS. Cantrelle

so today during class danielle styles and miranda malik have been arguing and its now time for me to step in.

" Danielle and Miranda please step out in  the hallway with me please." i asked 

 "coming"they both responded.

"girls this fighting and arguing has to stop you know we have a 0 policy for fighting. i am sorry to say you broke the 0 policy rule so i have to take both of you to the principals office." i said seriously.

"please no no no no please please please." they both begged.

''sorry you know the rules and I can not change them for you." I said in a duh tone." come on girls" I told them

Danielle's POV

so miranda and i were arguing over who's house is the best then my friend wanted to go to her house instead of mine. then i got mad and called her a no good friend stealer.then we just kept fighting and now when i get home i am in for it.

Mirandas POV

i am so mad at Danielle, because of her my daddy will spank me but i know her daddy will spank her too so haha!

Narrarator POV

miranda and danielle are in the office while the principal, Mrs. higgs, calls their parents.

Convo bold =harry                                                                                                                                                               regular=mrs.higgs


hello mr. styles this is mrs,higgs your daughters principal i need you to come to the school straight away.

 i will be right there but may i ask what did she do.

she got in afight with another student

ok well i will be there shortly.

 Convo bold =Zayn                                                                                                                                                               regular=mrs.higgs


hello mr. malik  this is mrs,higgs your daughters principal i need you to come to the school straight away.

 i will be right there but may i ask what did she do.

she got in afight with another student

ok i will be there soon.

danielle and mirandas pov

our daddys walk in together and whisper in both our ears we are going to the family home and when we get there i want both of you out back. we both nodded. our daddys went into the principals office and came out even angier. they said we were suspended for three days. ( the family home is a home all 5 families share)

skip the car ride home

while outside the dad came out and said " you have to stay here until you can hug and make up.

the girls didn't like that idea so they starting arguing again and ended up in a full blown fight.

Miranda was in the ground and Danielle stepped on her wrist then Danielle ran and Miranda pulled her hair causing her to trip over a soccer ball and hurting her knee. the boys ran outside and saw thew girls on  the ground crying.

the boys took both girls to the hospital.

on way home from. hospital

 so the injuries are.........

please vote and comment I want 3 votes and 2 comments then I will update part 2

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