Chapter Three: "Obsession"

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“Oh course, Mistress.”

She sighed at the realization.

I lost his trust.


She woke up to a sound of a sigh. She slowly opened her eyes to make eye contact with Vishnal. He caressed her face, “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed. She stared back at him with a blank expression, with her mouth slightly opened. He laughed, leaning down and capturing her lips to his. Her eyes snapped open when she felt his fingers cup her throat. His eyes slowly met her confused ones. He smiled.

“Don’t worry, My Mistress…you’re finally mine at last,” he slowly pulled her under him, cupping her shoulders against him. He placed his knee in-between her legs, spreading them, before claiming her. She gasped. He moved slow…yet demanding. He moved his head lower, nuzzling her throat. “Even here is stunning..” he said softly. He slowly dug his teeth into her throat, making her grimace. “Vishnal—“ she protested.

“ love..” he whispered, “..just let go and let me be in control.”

Her eyes widened. ‘That...doesn’t sound like him at all.’

He touched her throat, “I marked your neck to show that you are already taken, okay?” he whispered softly into her ear. She shivered. His touch was so…gentle, yet rough. Comforting, yet frightening. Protective—yet possessive..

Him being possessive with her made her happy, excited, frightened, prideful…even powerful.


“It’s Master Vishnal when we’re alone, kay?” he winked.

She stayed quiet, then decided to slowly nod, “Right, um…well, I don’t think it’s necessary for you to mark me, if we somehow ‘announce’ our relationship, then I’m sure men will back” at his expression, she slowly stopped. “What?”

His grip tightened, “Of course you’d say that.” His voice was quivering.

“What do you mean?” she countered. “Do you think me as some…whore?”

“No!” he shrieked, “no…darling, don’t ever think that, okay? You are not a whore. Whoever tells you that, tell me, okay? I’ll deal with the—“

“Stop!” I countered. “..just stop with this act, it’s not funny or cute…it’s scary to see you like this..” she said softly.

He caressed her cheek, “Oh…Mistress, I’m frightening you, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are, you’re acting different—more possessive..”

“Well, of course I am, You’remine aren’t you?” he cocked his head to the side. When I didn’t answer, he narrowed his eyes at me, “right?”

She nodded, “Yea, so you have nothing to worry about.”

He nodded, “Of course, Mistress.”

“Stop saying that! You only say that to…shut me up, but you don’t believe me when I say something like ‘I won’t cheat on you’ or ‘I’m completely faithful to you’; why don’t you trust me?”

“I do trust you, Princess,” he said softly, kissing along her jawline. Then he started to nibble along it.

She shoved him away, pulling the covers over her breast, she sat up, “I can’t do this with you right now.”

He sat up with her, wrapping his arms around her waist, “Do what exactly?” he sounded so accusing, it hurt. He thought she was ending our relationship, but really; she meant she couldn’t have sex with him at the moment: especially when he was practically forcing it on her…

He sighed, “Okay.” He reached up his right hand and brought it over hers, slowly massaging it. She sighed when she saw what he was doing; he was making her massage her breast—like he was pretending he was caressing it or something.

This…was just too much. She was ready for a commitment, not this. Not this crazy bullshit.


“You have the new gloves I got you?” Dylas asked.

Just to be safe, I glanced around before finally nodding. “Yeah, they’re really comfortable and…strong and easy to use.”

He stared at me, observing. “Why’d you do that?”

She cocked her head to the side, “Do what?’

“Glance around before responding to me?” he said, narrowing his eyes at her.

“Hey, don’t be getting annoyed with me—“ ‘Fight, fight, fight, but they can’t help but love each other’—she smiled, “oh,’s nothing, habit, I guess.” She waved it off.

He rested his hand over hers, “Kyo…if there’s something going on between you and Vishnal—don’t hesitate to tell me alright?”

She quickly nodded, “Well, uh, thanks for the equipment, I think now I can get through Obsidian Mansion—“

“Quit the crap, Frey,” he said, slamming his hand against the wall beside my head, “Something’s going on and you’re not telling me.”

Kyo grew annoyed, “Well, it has fuckennothing to do with you, so stay out of it and back off.”

His eyes widened, “I’m only trying to help,” he growled.

“Well, I didn’t ask for it,” she barked back. Her eyes softened, “I’m sorry…it’s just…I’ve been having difficulties lately and I don’t have time to argue with you, I’m sorry, but I have to go, I don’t feel comfortable here…” she looked away.

He moved away, “…well sorry for making you uncomfortable, and remember…” as she walked away, he continued, “…I’ll always be here if you need anything.”

She nodded, “Thanks, Dal—ly…umm…that means a lot,” she coughed awkwardly. “Bye, nice talkin to you.”

His eyes widened, “Dally?”


“It’s not what you think!” Kyo shrieked. “He was just helping me set up for—“

“Damn it!” Vishnal yelled, “I told you that he likes you—“

“But even if he did, he hasn’t made any fucken attempt to ‘flirt’ with me, especially since you keep me locked up here in this castle anyways!”

He stepped back, “Do you not see what he does to our relationship? He’s tearing us apart!”

You’re tearing us apart! Not him.”


****Chapter End****

Falling in Love isn't always so Easy. {Rune Factory 4 Fanfiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon