chapter 2

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Then he appeared out of no were I thought he was gone but I guess I was wrong. He sat next to me " why so down pinetree don't tell me that you know that little secret Stanley and Ford has been keeping from you" Bill said I thought and Bill was the only one who calls me pinetree and has that annoying voice. "How are you here" "well after That little fight we had I was turned into a human but don't worry I still have my powers" Bill said. I was still confused but I wondered if he knew my parents " Hey Bill do you by any chance know Marcelline and Cronis do you" " well it's your lucky day I do know your parents they're the queen and king of the dream realm but if you want to be technical your mother is a shape shifter and your father is a dream keeper " Bill said " do you know why they gave me up" "they didn't give you up you were taken from them when they where asleep one fate full night a human took you because they believed you were human like them. But that was not true you are demon through and through no matter how much you look like a human." I had mixed feelings when Bill told me that I wanted to meet my parents but the only way could do that was to stay in gravity falls. I did what anyone would do in my situation I begged my mom to let me and Mabel got to school here " Mom you said that you wanted us to be closer to gruncle stan and that you wanted us to get out of the city" " fine but if one of you complain you're coming back home okay"

Dipper x Bill little secretsWhere stories live. Discover now