Ch.1 Diverse

311 7 6

8 July 2039
Center HQ, Detroit

"The government are sending 2000 soldiers to Detroit. It was predicted that they will arrived at the front lines in less than a week. Judging from the situation, the government have stated that this a wa-"

The television infront of him shutted down, Markus sat still in silence. Ever since the rebellion in 2038 led by himself, Detroit is now a war zone. Hopes are fading, dreams are failing. Every move their making is going to shape the future, they cannot afford making more mistakes. It's been two days, since he last see the sunlight. He locked himself inside his room, thinking, turning his mind, searching for ideas. But he couldn't find any.

"You know. I can really see how my world got all gloomy without you."

Markus shows no sign of interest. The presence behind him, walk slowly and approach the figure.

"Markus.. you've lock yourself in this room for how long now? Two days was it?"

North sat beside Markus. She places a hand on Markus shoulder, and pulls him closer to her.

"Those people need you Markus, they need their leader. What do you think they'll feel?if they know their leader is locking himself like this."

Markus stays silent for a few seconds, before understanding North's point. He nods to the young android beside him, then he pulls North into a warm hug. North replies with a simple smile, and after a few moments of silence she breaks the hug.

"You should go outside, the sunlight started to miss you."

North stands up and start walking by the door. She holds the doorknob and twist it.

"Oh yeah, when you leave. I suggest you to see Connor first. I think he gotta talk to you about something."

North said, before leaving Markus alone. Things are getting hard for him and his people, but he should not lose hope. When North mentions Connor, a figure of a friend was the first thing Markus think of. He is fighting for his people, but he must remember that he isn't fighting alone.


20 June 2039
Kamski's place, Detroit


"Elijah Kamski, the visionary founder and also the former CEO of Cyberlife*. Your most notable work was the development of Thirium 310* and the biocomponets and then You were dismissed from Cyberlife in 2028.

You created those androids, the Thirium 310 that flow within their sintetic body was the reason they passed the Turing test*. And now more and more of your creations becomes deviant*, and started this war. And you decided to run away from it."

Kamski let out a small smirk. He sighes and place his glass of almost empty wine on the glass table aside him. The beautiful view from his glass windows, the view of a stunning open sea, never failed to amaze him. Even from that thin glass windows, he could see the reflection of himself, and his creation.

You stood behind the famous figure, hands in the back, perfect form to stand. A few minutes ago, Kamski told you to run a quick identify scan, and you realized that you said more than you have to. Not that you're regretting any of it, because it is the truth.

Kamski turns around and face you, he doesn't seems mad, not that he ever seems mad. The smile grows on his lips, he then walks slowly approaching you. He is right infront of you, you're slightly shorter than him, but you keep your eyes straight forward rather than having an eye contact with the man.

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