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    "Hey Clary! You looked just like my grandmother!"
"You're so desperate It's humiliating,"
"Omg! Creepy stalker alert" I rolled my eyes at the group of people.
"I told you you would get caught"Izzy says.
"Yeah, whatever, just wait till they see Jace," I say grinning. "As long as blonde took a shower, then everyone will be looking at him," I grin at Izzy.
"Wow! Jace!" Jordan says in shock.
"Dude your hair!" Bat joins in.
"It worked Iz! Jace used the shampoo!" I say excitedly. "Oh, victory is so sweet!" I say happily. Izzy turns around, and i look at Jace. His hair instead of golden is hot pink.
"Way to make a statement Jace!" Jordan says.
"You look so hot Jace," Some random girl says.
"What?! They actually like it?!" I ask Izzy. She shrugs. Jace walks up to me.
"Thanks for the makeover Clary, i think people are digging it," Jace winks at me.
"But, I-,"
"Never try to out prank a prankster," Jace grins. "You'll get your ass handed to you every time."
"You know what I'm going to do to that stupid face of yours?!" I slap Jace as hard as I can. Jace just laughs even though his cheek still has my red hand print "JACE HERONDALE! You are the definition of a SON OF A BISCUIT!"
"Yeah, I have no idea what that means," Jace says, he turns around and starts to walk away. "Oh!" Jace says and turns back towards me. "And if you want to get in bed with me...all you have to do is ask," Jace grins again. "Even if you drool,"
      "Excuse me?" I ask.
      "You know, you're a really hard sleeper," Jace says. "The night I stole your bra? I took some amazing pictures...but hey, don't worry, I'll post those later. Bye!" Jace then walks away. I collapse into the lockers.
       "Use your words Clary," Izzy says. I angrily stand back up.
          "That crumbly piece of shitzu on a cracker!" I say angrily.
     I was sitting on a table alone, Izzy had to use the bathroom. Kaelie walks up to me. "Aw, so desperate you crawled Into his window? Didn't you learn your lesson last summer Clary?" Kaelie asks.
      "Why Don't you go shove something down your throat?!" I ask angrily. Kaelie laughs wickedly and then leaves.
        "Hey Listen, we're still on for swimming, I just have to get this stuff out of my hair," I hear Jace say from the table next to me. Jace turns towards me. "Oh and Clary....drool pics will be posted soon," Jace says winking at me as he shows me a picture of me sleeping, then he starts leaving. Then an idea hits me. I stand up and walk out of the cafeteria behind Jace.

      "Put itching powder in Jace's underwear while he's in the pool?! That is genius!" Izzy laughs.
       "Yup, one evil underwear prank deserves another," I explain.
         "Yes it does my genius friend,"
         "Now I only have five minutes before the guys come back from swimming,"
       "Yup! I'll stand guard and text you as SOON as I see someone near, I promise nothing will distract me from my duty to serve and protect Clary, my prankster hero!" Izzy says.
       "You're the best Iz, I'm off," I say and go inside there boys locker room. Ugh! It reeks like zombie BO in here , boys are gross! I open the locker with Jace's name on it. Ok, underwear! Where are you? I pick up a phone. His phone! This is better than his underwear! I can delete my drool pics! And maybe I can find an embarrassing picture of Jace, I delete my pictures quickly and start looking for one of Jace's pictures. Then, Have receives a text. I click on it. It was from Alec.

Alec: you know, if you keep doing stuff like that she won't like you

I scroll down to see more texts.

Alec: ok, tell me the real reason you kept going with the pranks

Jace: I already told you! I just think it's funny how she reacts, lol!

Alec: we both know that's not true. C'mon Jace! I told you about my crush on Magnus!

Jace: are you saying I have a crush on Clary?! And, what is this? Second grade?

Alec: remember Cleo Miller? You had a crush on her, you would also pull her hair and push her off the play structure, and then when someone said something bad about her (or good) you would turn hostile.

Jace:I have matured since third grade Alec 🙄

Alec: no you haven't

Jace: Fine, so what if i do "have a crush on Clary" what if?

Alec: well...she would probably reject you because of what happened with Toby,

Jace: She would?

Alec: ok?

Jace: Who the fuck is Toby?!

Alec: Calm down....see! This is what I mean...

Jace: Fine! I do like clary! You happy?!

Alec: yes, actually

Jace: she's smart...ok? And kinda cute...especially when she drools,

Alec: you know, if you keep doing stuff like that she won't like you
    He likes me? No! This is probably one of Jace's stunts! I grab the itchy powder and start putting it in Jace's underwear. I hear the door open and a bunch of boys talking. I close the locker quickly. Holy moly they're back! I run to the bathroom and into the stall. What. Am. I. Going. To. Do?!

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