Chapter 1- Exciting News

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Esmeralda ,Pheobus and Quazimodo walked to the court of miracles to meet Esmeraldas gypsy friend Clopin cause he said he had a suprise or exciting news for them. "So whats the news that Clopin has for us?." Pheobus smirked while holding the torch, Esmeralda  just smiled "he said something to me about a really old pirate map."  Pheobus and Quazi just looked at her. "A pirate map here... In Notre Dame." Quazi said sounding surprised. "Wow who knew pirates discovered noterdame along time ago." Pheobus said smiling as they walked down the dark damp hallway that led us into the cort of miracles.  "Clopin." Esmeralda  said excitingly and running to give him a big hug. Clopin smiled, "you finnaly made it.", "Im excited to hear about the news you said you were going to share with us." Esmeralda  said smiling and standing by Clopin. He led them  to a place that had the tresure map, Esmeralda ,Pheobus and Quazi looked over his shoulder and stared at the map, Quazi broke the silence "sooo..uh..Clopin is that real.?", Clopin turned to Quazi "of course its real!" Clopin yelled, Pheobus just looked at Esmeralda  and Quazi. Clopin turned around to three of them,"So what do you think of becoming pirates and helping me surch for treasure." Clopin said talking like a pirate, "Umm.. where in the world would we get a ship and clothes." Pheoubs said looking confused. "Welll." Clopin said nervously, "Im still trying to figure that out still.",Pheobus did a face palm as he thinks its gonna be impossible. Esmeralda smiled "I think it would be actually kinda fun." And placed her hands on Clopins shoulders looking at the map. "Im in." said Quazi excitingly.  Pheobus raised his hand "I guess Im in now.", Esmeralda smiled and so did Clopin "great I'll see you all tomorrow to get ready.", Esmeralda smiled "Yeah on a new adventure." As the three left. Tomorrow was gonna be another adventure for the gang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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