Line 38 - Loki Laufeyson

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Line: "Just pretend we're a couple for five minutes."

You walked in through the elevator doors and groaned out loudly, gaining the attention of the team who were spread around the open room. "Something bothering you, Y/N?" Steve asked, raising a brow. Natasha shook his head, already knowing the source of your annoyance, "Have your parents arrived to town then?"

"Two days ago." you huffed, shaking your head and walking over to the couch, dropping down onto it. Your parents thought it would be a great idea to come visit New York City, to see how their daughter was doing, and as sweet as the offer was, it was not in any way actually sweet, as this meant for you, that you would have to sit through countless comments of careers, love life, fashion choices and anything else your mother decided was worth the sly remarks. It was draining you. You broke away for only a few hours after the two day interrogation, to come and get some peace and quiet.

"So how has it gone so far?" Natasha rose a brow, sitting down beside you as the rest of the team went on with their daily tasks, you shook your head, "Currently the main question is, 'So you really want to be an assistant at Stark towers?'"
"They don't approve of your job here?" she rose a brow, and you sighed, "Guess not, but why would they." you dropped your head back and closed your eyes.

As you sat and tried to relax, Loki stepped down the stairs, he rose a brow at the sight of you but said nothing, walking over to the kitchen, starting to make tea quietly. You and him weren't really friends so it was hardly expected for him to ask about your problems anyway.

"Well.." Natasha shrugged, "You can hide out here for as long as you can," she insisted, sitting back on the opposite side of the couch, and you just sighed and lay back, "I just need a nap." you grumbled more to yourself. Your eyes were shut and you were trying to relax, but then, not too long after, of course..

"So this is were Y/N works.." you heard a far too familiar voice come in through the elevator and your eyes instantly opened wide. Your vision on Natasha who had already been spotted by your parents. "You must be a friend of Y/N!" Your mom chimed, and you whined, slumping down on the couch.

"Does Y/N work- Y/N! There you are, love!" Your dad laughed, walking further into the building as you mentally prepared yourself and sat up, "Dad!" you spoke in a fakely cheery voice as he hugged you. "Your mother and I took quite a while to find this place," he laughed, hugging you tightly, "Not long enough.." you muttered before pulling back, "So what are you two doing here? I thought you were going out to see New York?" you asked, but your mom shook her head, "We would rather meet all your friends, wouldn't we? I heard theres quite a few handsome men in this tower? Yet you're still single." your mom sighed, looking around.

Loki looked up, raising a brow at the conversation as he hid out in the kitchen. You sighed, "Mom, I don't need a boy-"
"No I know, I know, just you aren't getting any younger, You know I had already met your father when I was your age and-" your mom went on, your father nodding in agreement to what she said, you just started to blank it out, glancing to Natasha who shrugged hopelessly, shaking her head.

You rolled your eyes as your moms voice pounded in your ear, and finally, you snapped, "Actually, Mom I'm already seeing someone, so!" You said suddenly. "What?" Your mom and Natasha said simultaneously, Natasha looking at you confused.

Your mothers eyes lit up though, "Really? Who?" she asked, excited. You bit your lip, you hadn't thought this far ahead, you looked away from your mum, "He is.. uh..-" Just as you thought, Loki stepped out from kitchen, his tea in his hand, "Loki, it's Loki!" you nodded confidently.

Loki looked up startled, "Beg your pardon?" he spoke, raising a brow as you walked over closer to him. "Just pretend we're a couple for five minutes," you muttered to him before wrapping your hand around his arm and pulling him closer to your parents. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Loki." you smiled, nodding. Loki hesitantly looking to you before sighing and offering his hand to your father, smiling, "Great to finally meet you both." he spoke, surprising you a little,

Your mother gasped happily, clapping her hands together, "This is wonderful- Y/N, put the kettle on, we must get to know Loki now," she looked to you hopefully. You bit your lip, you and Loki sharing a look before you looked to your mom, "I'll do it now."

So here you where, sat around the lounge with your Mom, Dad and Loki Laufeyson, a man you had barely spoken to, chatting away. You sat up close to Loki, listening to your mother reflect on her and your fathers relationship. "But I'm talking too much, Loki, how did you and Y/N meet?" she smiled wide.

You chewed on your lip, looking up at him as you could see him thinking on his toes before nodding, "Well, Y/N here works for Tony as an assistant, and well, I do my share of adventuring around this tower, and one day I walked right into her.." he chuckled a little, nodding his head, as he said this you thought back to when you did first meet Loki, and that was how you did first speak to him, "I took.. one look at Y/N here, and thought.. God, she is breathtaking.. I just had to speak to her, so I did.. And your daughter here is just incredible," he looked to you, and you couldn't help the smallest blush creep up on your cheeks as he kept going, "But luckily I managed to hold a conversation with this lovely lady, and get her to go out with me for drinks, and the rest is history," he chuckled lightly, nodding.

You looked up at him, smiling as your Mom put her heart on her chest, "God, that is just lovely," she sighed, your Dad nodding in agreement. "Loki really is a keeper," he smiled at you, making you chuckle, "I know, Dad."

You and your parents and your boyfriend talked for a while, and they loved Loki to pieces, he had a right answer to everything they said which just made you as happy as possible. The night was rearing to a close as your father checked the time, "God it's getting late, huh? I think it'd be best if we got back to our hotel, but it was lovely meeting you, Loki." he grinned, shaking Lokis hand. "The pleasures mine." Loki nodded back with a chuckle.

"Oh, oh before we do, let's get ourselves a picture of you two, yeah?" your mom smiled, getting out the camera. You went red, "Mom, this isn't ne-"
"Oh hush, Loki doesn't mind, do you Loki?" she asked, Loki looking to you and giving an awkward fake laugh, "Of course not."

Your mom grinned as Lokis arm went around your waist, holding you close. Your pink cheeks returning as you both smiled for the picture, the flash going off. "Great!" Your mom chuckled, "Now Loki why don't you give her a kiss?" she smiled wide.

You froze up, looking up to Loki worryingly as Loki looked to you the same. Your mom looked confused as you stared eachother out as if waiting for someone to make the call. And god, Loki did.

Before you knew it Loki had leaned down and captured your lips in a kiss, your eyes shut as you tried to understand the moment. Loki Laufeyson was kissing you? You kissed him back obviously as you sensed the flash go off around you, but that didn't stop him, Loki not seeming to plan to pull away any time soon.

"By God," you heard, quickly pulling off the Frost Giants lips, him now looking at you with much more interest as your Dad laughed, "You could swear that you two have never done that."

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