{Chapter 13|Matt is still a baby}

Start from the beginning

"Aaaand...everyone was staring at you when you had your bandage anyway so...I don't see why not." Edd said and smiled at you, but not like his usual bright and light-hearted smile, you guessed it was because someone had just tried to poison his friend and ended up poisoning his youngest brother.
"Thanks." You replied.

Moments passed by and you volunteered on taking dish-washing duty so that they would leave early. You also decided to make some chicken noodle soup,no poison of course, for Matt.
After you were done, you decided to check on him.

You went upstairs and knocked on his door. "Mattie? Can I come in?" You asked.
No sound.
"Aish. I'm coming in whether you're naked or not!" You said, ready to open the door but paused, "Wait that sounded weird. I'm coming in whether you like it or not!" You said and you open the door to a Matt, laying sick on his bed.

He was still asleep. "Ugh, you baby." You giggle at his sleeping figure, strands of hair were everywhere and his snores were quiet but was can still be heard.
"Gotta take a picture of this!" You said and grabbed your phone.


"Adorable!" Was all you said before deciding to wake him up.
"Hey, hey! Rise and shine!" You said to him, and he woke up fairly quickly.
"Ugh...(Y/N)...what are you doing here? I don't remember kissing you before I fell asleep..." He muttered.
"What's that got to do with seeing me?" You asked.
"I see someone gorgeous every time I wake up because I kiss them every night before bed. I don't exactly see you as someone gorgeous. You look like an elepha---"
"Yeah, yeah, we've been through that before. Ugh, and I even pushed myself into making Chicken noodle soup for you." You said and fake-sighed.

Matt widened his eyes and sat up.

"Y-you made soup for me?" He asked, blinking a few times.
"Yeah...?" You replied, confused.
"Me specifically, right?" He asked again.
"Yeah, of course! Who else?" You said to him.
"Me and only me, right?" His eyes were getting misty.
"Th-that's good to know." His grip on his blanket tightened.

You saw his lips tremble, like the ones you see on toddlers when they're about to cry.
'What the...?'

"C-can I...have a hug?" He asks.

'Okay, that sentence just changed the whole mood.'

You couldn't help but question his weird behavior.
'Was he still high from the medicine? No...antidotes don't usually last that long...
Who are you and what have you done to Matt? I only came up here to take care of him, not seeing him cry the moment I wake him up! Am I really that ugly of an elephant?

You certainly weren't used to this...this soft and emotional side of Matt. Childhood friends, yes. But that didn't mean that you knew everything and seen every little bit of them. You were new to this side of Matt. You usually were used to the Matt that only thought of himself and him being dumb and all.

"What---of course! Why did you even ask? Come here, you dork!" You smile, pushing those thoughts aside first and climbed onto his bed to give him a bear hug.

You didn't know everything about Matt.
You admit that.
But...this made you come to a realization.
Why does Matt act the way he is?
But of course, that realization only led to more questions.

You could hear it. The faint sounds of sobbing next to your ear.
Your body told you to hug tighter, so you did.
"I-I'm s-sor--" Matt can't even complete his sentences anymore.

Why was he crying though?

You two stayed like that for awhile, until Matt calmed down.

"I...I know this is so out of character for me but...ahk! I'm just---I'm so sorry..." He said as he wipes more tears from his eyes.

Why did he keep on apologizing?

You stare at him quietly, watching as his arms try to wipe every single tear that came out. His sleeves were already soaked with his tears.
You grab both of his arms.
He looks up to see your face, your facial expressions obviously showing sympathy for him.
"It's okay. It's okay to cry. Let it all out. I'm here for you." You said to him softly.

You didn't even know why he started crying in the first place, but it looked as if he really needed to hear those words. Anything to make him stop. It hurt your heart seeing him like this.

You look at him, surprised by how he said your name. He sounded like how a child would call for their mother.

"Thank you..." He whispered.

You smile. "Your welcome. Now, eat. Your soup that-I-specifically-made-for-you is gonna get cold." You said and grabbed the bowl from his bedside table.
Though, he didn't move an inch and just opened his mouth, as if waiting for you to feed him. He realized what he was doing and looked away, embarrassed with the tint of red on his cheeks. "I'm s-sorry I thought you were...n-nevermind."

You couldn't help but slightly laugh.
"Ah. You're still a baby!" You teased him as he grabs his blanket and covers his face with it.
"I'm...I'm not!"
"Olay, okay. Now, say 'ah'!" You said to him, holding a spoonful of soup in front of him.
He looks at it for a brief moment before shyly opening his mouth, giving you access for the spoon to come in.

You look at him as he swallowed it. His eyes were getting misty again before tears started to spill out.
"Ah...is it that bad?" You said and give him a half-smile.
"N-no it's...it's really good it's just that..." He begins to wipe the tears with his blanket.

"No one ever gave me something that was entirely for me."

That one sentenced shattered everything you knew about Matt.

"W-what? But I thought...wait, what about...I...I don't get it." You said, puzzled.

Matt smiles weakly at you before he wipes one of his tears again.

"I knew you wouldn't."

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