The meet up

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The girls pull up to the mall ( I don't know any Houston malls) they park
A: well there not here so let's go shopping
Eb: ok
They go in forever 21 and they look and see tray and Chris sitting on the bench so the walk over there and scare them
Ct: ahhhhhh
The girls break out in laughter
T= tray and g=Chris/ gilly
Q: hey my name is queen
C: I'm Carmen this is Corey
N: y'all know me but this is king
A: hi I'm airi
T: I'm tray and this is Chris or gilly
G: hi
N: ok well let's go to dinner cause baby Kaiser is hungry
A: ok where do you want to go
N: Olive Garden
Q: ok but we have to be done by five
A: ok why
Q: I'm picking up Clarence from the airport
N: cool let's go
They all get in there car and the follow airi and queen because they have lived here longer they get a table with all the girls and then the boys are right beside them airi eat a little bit but it comes right up she ran to the bathroom
T: what's wrong with her
C: she's pregnant
G : o you could never tell
Airi comes back and just stop eating

This was a little basic but who would you want airi to go out with qilly or tray Not forever but just to make it juicy they might not even go out just let my know bye 😘😘😘😘😘😘
I wrote this before xxx tentacion died I loved his music  he was too young to go but I guess this world was to evil for his Pure soul     Rip x 😭

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