Chapter two: hurt

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Bakugou pov
I had stormed out of the class furious, what the h ell is with him suddenly calling my 'Katsuki'. I could tell that my face was burning up, probably because of my anger. Right?
I didn't like this feeling at all, the memory of Kirishima calling me Katsuki kept replaying in my head and I couldn't stop it. Could this be.. love?! Haha no b-tch.
Kirishima pov
After Bakugou had left I sat there for awhile a stupid grin on my face. I mean I made Bakugou blush!! Although I have to say I'm surprised I'm not dead right now..
I then left the class as Aizawa got on to me telling me to get out unless I wanted more work to do. Trust me I booked it when he said that. I wondered if I could find Bakugou but it seemed he was long gone which made me frown, deciding I should probably go home seeing as I had a lot of homework to do. Ughhh why does homework exist..
Next day still Kiri's pov
I rolled out of bed still half asleep a groan of displeasure slipping from my lips. I nearly stumbled to the ground but caught myself on my dresser. I shook my head trying to wake myself up, blinking. "Aww not more school" I complained, then remembering what had happened yesterday my face tinting a bright red.
At schoooooll Bakugous pov
I had gotten into class before the sh-tty haired b-stard. I sighed in relief sitting, slumping down with my feet on the desk. In which Iida quickly protested against by why would I even care. I heard the door open peaking up to see the last person I wanted to find, who for once wasn't stupid Deku... I quickly looked down avoiding any eye contact. I could hear Kirishima talking to that damn pikachu, I mean why does he always talk to him.. I got snapped out of my thoughts by a slam on my desk. Glaring upwards to find whoever the h-ll was trying to talk to me. It was Kirishima.. "hey Bakugou!" He yelled energetically.
I continued to glare "f-ck off sh-tty hair.." I growled, in which a small pout came to his face. He seemed to shake it off as his usual stupid grin came to his face. "Why the h-ll do you even keep talking to me?!" I spoke in a hostile tone. He hesitated for a moment then replying.
"Well... I want to be your friend of course!" His grin faltered a bit, to where I raised my eyebrow suspiciously. He gave an awkward laugh his hand going to the back of his neck and a small blush coming to his face. I stared slightly surprised by this reaction making me look towards the floor.
"Uh.. anyways.. H-how was your day Bakugou!" His usual demeanor restoring once more. I scowled "it was fine till you showed up.." Our 'conversation' was interrupted by pikachu.. "Bakugou why don't you be nicer once in awhile" he put his arm around Kirishima which made me aggravated my eyebrows furrowing "SHUT THE H-LL UP YOU DAMN PIKACHU!" I stood up my hands sparking in a threatening way. Kirishima's eyes widened slightly and Pikachu just smirked knowingly. 'Sh-t..' I thought I bolted out of the class angrily. I turned around to find Kirishima behind me "why do you keep running away!" He chased after me then grabbing my hand in which I tried to pull away.
I gave him a furious look in which he only looked concerned. "Let go of me sh-tty hair!" He growled hoping to scare him away, but it didn't work the way I wanted. Instead he gave a hurt look "why are you always mad at me, I mean do really hate me?" He looked as if he was about to cry. My tensed body seemed to relax a bit looking to the floor ashamed 'of course I don't hate you.. I like you..' I thought to myself the last bit of the thought made me surprised by myself. I then then looked back at Kirishima still looking hurt. I wanted to say something my mouth opening but nothing came out, Kirishimas eyebrows furrowed upwards "I see.." he said shakily his hand letting go of mine before rushing back into the classroom leaving me there speechless. I had realized how much I had messed up looked back at the ground ashamed and clenching my fists "dammit!" I hissed under my breath "why didn't I say anything" I was trembling frustrated with myself knowing that I had truly hurt the boy I had cared for so much.. "why did I do that.."

Ahh thank you for reading! Urmm this is a shorter chapter so sorry about that. But hope you liked it and the next chapter mayy hear up a bit more ;))

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