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Her heart stopped in its tracks. No. This couldn't be possible. And if it was.... no! They couldn't attack him. But if it was an illusion spell? Arobynn would throttle them for falling for this. Nonetheless, Celaena wanted to retreat, but before she could give the command to do so, Sam charged, leaving her no choice but to spring into action as well.
Before Sam could reach their opponents, she threw a dagger to imbed itself in Jayne's through, while another headed towards Farran. The first hit its mark, but the second, though well aimed, only grazed Farran's shoulder as he attempted to dodge it.
Whit her companion's life depending on her, even if it was Sam, and duty bound as a hero, she didn't think about retreat, even as she struggled to defend his hits with her own steel weapon. Even if Sam was having trouble fending off Arobynn, as she would have once Sam fell or she defeated Farran.
Sheathing her blades, she left her fire come out and felt Sam's magic rumble in answer.
She sent her flames, Sam knowingly dodging the attack, having expected the blow, but Arobynn's curse magic easily countered and Farran sent a bit of his own magic at it. He underestimated the blow and not even water magic would have been useful for the power that came his way. He quickly sent a beam of his bizarre light magic, to pure for a creature as sadistic as him, but nothing was enough as the wall of fire hit him, badly burning him and injuring him enough to let the pain tear him from consciousness. One less.
In Celaena's memory he'd been stronger, but she supposed it could be a good thing.
She turned to Witness Sam use his earth magic, softening the ground to a quicksand-like state, but Arobynn charged, faster than Sam's magic and aimed a sword at the young hero's  neck, cutting through it as though it were nothing.
His gaze turned to him, filled with a uncanny steal, never before directed at her.
"You should surrender, Celaena."
About to jump, not caring how stupid it was, he guessed her idea and, with the pommel of his sword, hit her into oblivion, before carrying her away from the scene where the cops were bound to arrive any minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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