Petals and Guns

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'It seems so quiet in space...too quiet....'

Have you heard of the hanahaki disease?

Well....The Hanahaki disease is an Illness that is Caused from One Sided love or unrequited love..It is caused by a person who grows flowers in their lungs....It starts of as a bud....Then a stem...Then a flower...Then grows a branch....Then....It reaches you throat...It causes you to Vomit out petals of sakura flowers...

Have I tried falling in Love?

Yes ive had...But she rejected me...Too many trials and errors and still she will not accept me...

Gary woke up in his bed at around 1 am in the morning, Close to 2 am. He covered his mouth as petals started going out of his mouth. Some petals fell down already in his peachy lips. He stood up and ran as fast as he can to the bathroom. Trails of Petals were behind him however. As Gary reached the bathroom, he fell on his knees and faced to the toilet and vomited sakura pink petals. His Throat started aching from the sharp Branches in his throat. Gary hurled for 1 hour and cried for 30 minutes. "Gary, You have been Vomiting flowers for a whole hour again....Are you okay?" HUE said. "No HUE...Im not okay....This hanahaki disease is killing me...." Gary exclaimed. Gary stood Up with trembling legs and walks carefully to his room. He quietly sat down in his bed a rubbed his throat. Mooncake quietly entered Gary's Room and gave him a quick warm comforting hug. Gary saw Mooncake and hugged him back. Tears flowed in Gary's eyes. It was normal for this to happen since he had the hanahaki disease when he was younger. His dad would be worried about him so many times that he didnt want to put him through surgery. The blonde realesed the hug from mooncake and laid down in his bed. He rubbed his throat and coughed a bit. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next Day, Gary woke up with tired eyes. He had some petals in his mouth, The tired Blonde took out the petals in his mouth and stood up. He wiped his tired faced and started to yawn. Gary wanted to get rid of the disease but he need someone who he can truly fall in love with. Gary walked to the wardrobe and wore his usual outfit,a red Lord commander suit with a teal green belt, gloves and boots and with a white triangular collar bearing the Infinity Guard symbol. Gary soon walked to the table and took a seat from the chair and rubbed his throat.
"Feeling any better, Gary?" HUE asked. Gary only sat on silence and shaked his head as a response of no. Then suddenly, KVN came floating insantely around the tired blonde. "HELLO GARY! HOW ARE YOU!?" KVN said as he held 7 cookies. Gary rubbed his eyes in annoyance and clenched his fists and bang the table. "Im not fine KVN...Please just fucking leave me alone before i murder y---" the blonde paused as flowers started falling out of his mouth. Gary covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom. Blood and Petals were falling out of his peachy lips. Maybe because of the sharp branches that hitted his throat. Gary puked out blood and sakura flowers in the bathroom. One of the S.A.M.E.S Rubbed Gary's Back and Gary started to cry a bit. After puking, Gary cleaned the bathroom since it was filled with blood and Sakura flowers. "Chookity?" Mooncake asked as he entered the bathroom. "Im fine, Mooncake...Dont worry about me...." Gary responded as he finished cleaning up. The blonde and his alien friend went back to the couch and suddenly...

A group of Vexterian bounty hunters entered the ship just to get Mooncake. Gary forgot that Mooncake was still on danger. The S.A.M.E.S guarded the two of them as Gary and Mooncake went to a safer place. Gary went to his room and locked his door. He refused to be a coward and not standing up for his best pal. Gary grabbed a gun and went out of his room. He saw some S.A.M.E.S and Vexterian bounty hunters destroyed and dead. Except for One Vexeterian named Avocato. He held on to the door and faced his gun against Gary's face. Gary did the same as well, He held his gun and raised the gun through the Vexeterian's Face. "Give me E-351..." The Vexterian said as he pointed at Mooncake. Gary looked at Mooncake and hugged Mooncake. "I Refused to give away Mooncake..." Gary replied. The Vexterian started to get confused. "Just give me Mooncake or whatever you call it...Or i will kill you...." Avocato exclaimed. Gary coughed and Pulled out a ď card. "Wanna play Cards?" The blonde said. Avocato was confused but he raised both his hands in action of surrender. Gary dropped his gun, So did Avocato. Then....A strong heartbeat can be felt in Gary's heart. Gary asked One of the S.A.M.E.S to tie Avocato's arms. Avocato's Arms was completely locked and tied. The Tied Up Vexeterian walked away following the S.A.M.E.S. Gary had a tint of hot pink blush in his peachy face as he saw the Vexeterian walked away from him. He quietly sat down in the floor and covered his mouth. His heart kept pounding and his Face kept heating up. "Gary, are you okay? You should get going..." HUE asked. Gary nodded and put his hand on his red cheeks.

'Have I really fallen for a bounty hunter? No...thats impossible...I just met him....There is no way i could fall for him...I dont even know his name....Well....I guess this is what people call "Love at first sight" Can he really help me from my Illness...?'

"I dont know you...But I....Love you..."

((A/N: 993 words in total from this chapter...Hahah ^^ anyways, Im so sorry if this is such a short chapter....hahah, Anyways enjoy Chapter one! ))

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