secret dancer

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****************************INTRO **************************************************************

Amber Jessica lee

brown hair with blonde streaks

blue eyes


17 years old

status:known as the nerd

bff is ashley lee parker

amber at school is known as the nerd but no one knows she can dance all styles from pointe to hiphop.

tongue and belly pierced.**keeps it hidden**

"mum " on left wrist, "love is one thing but trust is another" left calf, butterfly and "dance is closest one gets to flying " lower back left side. ** keeps tattoos hidden

ashley lee parker

black hair

brown eyes


17 years old

bff is amber Jessica lee

status:andknown as nerds bff

can only do jazz, tap , ballet and hiphop

tongue and belly pierced.***keeps it hidden**

same butterfly tattoo only on right side of lower back.

Ashton James knight

black hair

green eyes


18 years old

eye brow pierced

tattoos on arms and back (don't really know as they are so close together

bf is Cameron James brown

status: player-popular-football star

Cameron James brown

blonde hair

blue eyes


18 years old

tattoos on arms and back same as ash

status:player-popular-football player

tiffany jay Scott

blonde hair

blue eyes

18 years old

ear lobes pierced (1)

no bff as the school loves her (not)

status:popular-school slut - dumb as shit

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