Chapter Two

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A dip on the other side of the bed woke me up. I opened my eyes, seeing the smooth muscle of Blake's back as he rubbed his face and extended his arm to move the curtain to the side, letting a small sliver of light into the room. I sat up, not jostling the bed, and began to kiss across his shoulders. He sighed with a small smile on his face, turning his head to see me kiss his shoulder blade.

"Good morning, beautiful." He murmured, grabbing my chin and crashing our lips together. He pulled back, smiling.

I crawled out from underneath the warm sheets to wrap my legs and arms around his midsection, my face pressed into his warm skin. His big hands held onto my legs, and we stared out the window, down into the awakening streets of New York. About ten minutes later, he unwrapped my legs from around his waist, and spun around, kissing me again, before beginning to get dressed. I watched him change in all his glory. I still can't believe this magnificent man is mine. He's just as crazy about me as I am him.

I stood up once he was fully clothed, in black basketball shorts, and a Nike t-shirt. I checked the weather, and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tight fitting t-shirt, that Blake admired greatly, but would not allow me to wear outside the hotel room for other men to see. I found his possessive, overprotectiveness to be cute,  considering the fact he cared so much. I winked at him, as he watched me change too, and pulled his big hoodie over my small frame. It fell down below my shorts, making it seem as though I was naked. I tied the back of the sweatshirt and tucked it up, so it was more my size. 

Blake had the day off, and the Griffin-Pauls were going sightseeing. The plan was to take the kids to the Museum of Natural History, and then take a walk through Central Park. We were still kicking around the idea of seeing a play right after dinner, so we would be back to the hotel room in time for Blake and Chris to be able to get a lot of sleep and be ready for the long practice scheduled for tomorrow. DJ also said he might tag along, which would be great, because my small family and Chris and Jada loved him.  Chris's kids and mother were indifferent, as they didn't spend as much time with him.

Nobody spent as much time with him as Blake. If it wasn't for the fact that DeAndre was dating the lovely Amber Alvarez, and that I know Blake is definitely in love with me, I would ship those two so hard as a couple. Even if Blake left me for DJ, I'm not entirely sure it would bother me too much. Of course, I keep these thoughts to myself because these two very masculine men don't want to hear how cute I think they are. Amber agrees that if they ever did run off together, we would stick together until the end, or until their little episode was over.

These plans bothered the boys as well, and now Amber and I now had to be "baby sat" by our favorite Clippers so it was ensured that we were not talking about our boys' bromance. I slipped on my converse and checked the time. It was 6:30, so Kieran wouldn't be up for another hour and we would be able to go find breakfast. I stretched my arms out, yawning. I grabbed our keycard and Blake's big, soft hand, and led him downstairs to hunt down breakfast. We stepped into the elevator with some other couples, and I nestled into Blake's body, not accepting morning yet.

As we waited to reach the banquet hall where breakfast was being served, I was wrapped in Blake's arms, my head tucked into his neck. My husband-to-be murmured sweet things in my ear when he wasn't speaking to one of his many upbeat teammates. Was everyone a morning person but me? The elevator stopped, and we were the last ones off. I let Blake pull me towards the food and hand me a plate, filling both our plates with food I liked. 

We sat down with Chris, Jada, and Robin(Chris's mom) who were also childless. Most families were. I'm glad it's too early for somebody. I finished breakfast quickly, and filled a plate with finger foods for Kieran. I got into the elevator after kissing Blake on the cheek, and letting him know I was going to feed our prince.

There was a man a few years my junior in the elevator, and the way his eyes hungrily ate up my image made me uncomfortable. The doors were still open as he crossed the small space and roughly attached his lips to mine. I was too stunned to do anything to the stranger. He tried to force his tongue into my mouth, but I kept my lips firmly pressed together. I tried to push him away with one hand, and made muffled screams.

He thought it was encouragement, and grabbed my face, successfully forcing his tongue into my mouth. Why the elevator hadn't closed yet, I had no idea. Of course, Blake showed up at the moment of my assault. 

"Riley?!? What are you doing?" Blake shouted, jerking the man off of me.

"Who the hell are you?" Blake screamed in the face of my attacker. He was choking the other man. I walked up behind him, sliding my hand under his shirt to calm him down. He jerked away from my touch.

"What are you doing, Riley? Was this your plan all along? We finally had everything right! You ruined it!"

"Blake, I-"

"No. I don't want to hear it." He stormed off, and I walked out of the elevator while the other man was still coughing from Blake's chokehold. I dialed DeAndre's number, trying to hold in the tears.


"DeAndre?" I sniffled.

"What happened? What's wrong? I'll help."

I took a deep breath before starting.

"B-Blake c-caught kiss by st-str-stranger. H-H-He's s-so m-m-mad. W-Won't listen."

"Wait..." DJ said cautiously. 

"Blake caught you kissing a stranger and won't listen to you?" He clarified.

"Yes." I spit out, and began to sob harder.

"Riley, be honest, did you kiss this other man and cheat on Blake?"

"N-No!" I cried.

"H-He forced him-him-himself on m-m-m-me."

"Okay, babygirl. Don't worry, I gotchu. Chris and I are coming to get you, stay on the phone." He told me.

I waited for the boys, and they came running to me. DJ took the keycard, along with the food plate. 

"Chris, go find doofus." DJ instructed. I took a deep breath. DJ wrapped me in his arms, guiding me back to his room, and sitting me down on the bed. He wiped my eyes, and hugged me. He climbed into bed with me and continued to hold me as I let all my tears out. He put on the tv as I cried my heart out and my eyes dry. I fell asleep on my best friend, heart aching, and seeing Blake's betrayed face behind my eyes. It's an understatement to say my nap didn't go well.

(Sorry for the long wait. I'm trying to write but I was unable to upload last week. I'll be updating more frequently now that summer has begun. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying your summer as well! As always, leave questions, opinions, thoughts, whatever in the comments! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and once again, sorry for the long wait! -anotherbgfanfic)

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