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The day is bright, the spring greets all with the celebration of new life and the chorus of songbirds. The sun shines above, nothing to hide its body from those who smile below. The light breeze softly whistles throughout the small city, named quite accurately, Sonnaville. Though the day seems almost poetic, the date woul be set in every parents' mind. The legend that had kept its promise of return without hesitation, had once again come around  the same usual October afternoons. Extra precautions were made for the children, especially for the young girls that skipped about the suburban sidewalks in a gleeful bout.

Elaine, the young beauty of the town, walked gracefully on the sidewalks, pink and white poka dotted backpack over her dainty shoulders. Not far behind, another, socially insignificant girl kicked a rock to and fro as she did everyday walking home from elementary school. The town was small enough to allow the safety of children to walk home from school at such young ages. Though, for no reason the two girls could guess, the sidewalks, which were usually lively with the laughter of young children, fell quiet with silent awkwardness. Between the two, the thoughts of why were pushed into the back of their developing minds which distracted themselves instead with the thoughts of coming home to a snack and working on two digit addition and subtraction homework. 

The beautiful young blonde glanced over her shoulder to see Cal kicking the rock as if she were in a soccer match. Elaine rolled her eyes, "For six years old, you sure seem to make a big deal about that dumb rock."

"Well, duh, Ms. May said if we wanted to be the best, we had to practice hard." Cal kicked the rock with all her might, sending it flying a little ways past Elaine's legs. 

"That's only if you have to work. I'm going to be a princess when I grow up, and I won't have to work ever."

Cal only laughed and ran up to Elaine, panting a bit. "Princesses are born, and it's been six years. No one has said you're their princess yet. So, which means you're not going to be a real princess."

"And you're going to be a really bad soccer person." Elaine teased back.

Cal and Elaine exhanges glares before laughing and falling to the floor holding their stomaches from lack of breath. Elaine and Cal weren't exactly friends, but they knew how to make each other laugh. Getting up and fluffing down her dress, Elaine wiped the small tear that rode down her cheek. Cal only stayed on the ground to pick up the rock which sat on the grass next to her. Looking back up, Cal gasped and screamed in a loud, almost agonizing noise.

A hooded man in black snatched Elaine from behind and struggled to run as she attempted to free herself, squirming and hitting his muscular arms. In a panic, Cal threw the rock at the figure, missing by a few inches. This only made him stop to turn around and look at Cal straight in the eyes. His crystal blue eyes were the only thing that seemed to be uncovered, staring deep into Cal's soul. Running off with Elaine in his arms, her loud screams were the last things that echoed throughout Cal's mind.

Waking up in a cold sweat, Cal struggled to breathe, blindly searching for her inhaler in the darkness of her room. Finding it on the desk next to her bed, she took in the medicine that relieved her from her lung pains and air restrictions. Finally catching her breath, Cal composed her thoughts. 

Ten years ago, young Elaine Brookeswood had been kidnapped. It had been ten years, but the memory still remained clear as day. There wasn't a night that passed by without Cal thinking, even for one second, about Elaine and how terribly Cal had failed her. But the nigtmares had just recently resurfaced. It was a sign to her, and a reminder to everyone else. A reminder that October had once again loomed just about the corner. Another sacrifice had to be made, unwillingly, to please whatever inhumane, vile force had terrorized them all so. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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