1. Before Prom

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Isaac Jonah Pierce. A 16 years old closeted gay boy.

He had always known that he was gay, but he was in denial for years. He couldn't be gay. His parents told him it was wrong, his religion told him it was forbidden, and his friends told him it was disgusting.

So no, he wasn't gay. He couldn't be gay. Well, at least that was what he kept telling himself.

He just had never been attracted to girls. Ever since he was young. He liked guys. He knew it, and he hated that fact.

If only he was a normal guy. A straight guy.

Why was straight the normal and gay the abnormal anyway? It wasn't like he could choose who he was attracted to.

Because if he could change his sexuality, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

He strived to be straight. Because that was what his parents would want him to be, they always talk bad about gay and lesbian, about LGBT, and it broke his heart every single time. Because he believed in God and didn't want to do what God forbid, he didn't want to go to hell, but he couldn't change who he was. And also because he wouldn't have to pretend to be interested when his peers were talking about girls.

But he couldn't change the fact that he was gay. No matter how much he wanted to. No matter how many girls he looked at just to see if they'd spark an attraction, he just couldn't be not gay.

So he accepted the fact that he was gay. He had to, because all he knew at the end of the day, was that he loves who he loves, and there ain't no other way.

But even then he couldn't express it.

He never talked to anyone about it, and I meant, anyone. It was killing him. Everything was building up inside of him. He was pent up, and each day the baggage only got heavier and heavier.

He thought it'd only get worse. He knew he had to tell someone, but there was no one he could trust not to hate him. Or not to treat him differently.

Yes, he could have told his best friend, Harper. But even though he knew that he would not hate him for it and that he would accept it, he also knew that he would see him differently. And he'd hate for that to happen.

He was just the same old Isaac. The only difference was that he liked guys instead of girls. And he didn't want anyone to see him differently just because of that.

He obviously couldn't tell his homophobic family. Even his sister sometimes went along with his parents' LGBT bashing sessions.

So he had no one he could share his secret with. No fucking one.

Well, that was until he met a girl in his 11th grade biology class, Sara. She was the only person who supported LGBT so openly. She was proud about what she liked. And that was gay people. Apparently, she was a fujoshi. Basically, a girl who loved and was obsessed with gay people, or gay couples.

That was the first time he saw someone being so proud about supporting that. He thought, how could she be so proud, preaching for something so wrong?

But there was no single ounce of doubt in her head. And it showed. Everyday she went to school, just casually putting LGBT related things into her daily conversations. Somehow making the idea of a gay or lesbian person a little less bad than everyone else thought it was.

And thanks to that blue haired girl, Isaac began to think, maybe he didn't have to live like this forever, maybe it wouldn't keep getting worse, maybe it would get better.

There was something about this girl. She was just fearless. She wasn't scared about being judged on her preferences. She never cared about what they said. She voiced her feelings out loud and had nothing to hide.

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