_Wolf_[chapter 23]

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Daniel pulled the door so hard that the electric lock was plucked out. SeongWu's door was opened in the most violent way he could imagined.

He drops SeongWu off at the doorstep. Daniel gives SeongWu a small piece of paper with numbers on it.

"Save this phone numbers in your new cellphone."

Daniel said while his ears are turning red. SeongWu slightly nod his head, wondering when was he prepare this paper.

"Take a rest, SeongWu... hyung."


SeongWu slowly closes the door. Daniel still have something to say but the door is closing and he standing there saying nothing.


SeongWu looks at the number on paper. A lot of thought crossing his mind.

Kang Daniel always this caring?

Kang Daniel always this gentle?

The one who treated him so cruel and the one who care everything about him, which one is the real Daniel?

Among hundreds of questions, one thing suddenly comes up.

I forgot to thanks Daniel....



It's been 2 months since then...

This winter is especially colder than ever. It's snowing almost everyday.

The white wolf lying down beside the fireplace. The cold weather making him lazier and sleepier. It's make him only want to stay at home and sleep all day.

Jaehwan sits down on the sofa, chewing his snack.

"You look so down. Wanna hear SeongWu hyung's voice?"

Daniel rises up immediately. Jaehwan obiviously knows that SeongWu hasn't contact Daniel for 2 months and yet, he still say that to tease him.

After finished filming the MV, Daniel didn't have any chances to meet SeongWu. He also busy with promotion schedule. He even rarely at home. Not only that, after came back from the death, the mark on SeongWu's shoulder disappeared. Daniel no longer had connection with him. He couldn't sense his presence anymore.

Daniel used to try to find him with his smell but he always been on stage or in the waiting room with his staffs. Daniel could only looking from afar, staring at his beautiful smile.

Actually, Jaehwan already got SeongWu's new number, but Daniel just wanted to wait for him to contact first. Jaehwan also wanted to see just how long Daniel can endure this. But no matter how long he wait, SeongWu didn't even text him a message.

"His schedule is already ended. I heard that he will have a few days off."

Daniel's tail keep waving non-stop.

"Do you want me to ask his manager for more details?" – Jaehwan ask.




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