_Wolf_[chapter 16]

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"Niel, wake up!! Do you what time is it? You idiot werewolf, WAKE-UP!!!"

Jaehwan calling while banging on the door. Daniel slowly get off his bed. It's already 3pm but Daniel still calmly brushes his teeth, washes his face, cursory combs his hairs, then open the door for Jaehwan.

"Why are you so noisy?"

"You forgot the rehearsal today, didn't you?"

"It's 5pm..."

Daniel still sleepy. He goes down stair while yawning repeatedly.

"I told you to went to sleep early. It's your fault to keep stayed awake till dawn."

"I'm doing a research."

"What research?"

"Human research."


Daniel had been thinking for the past few days. He still didn't what he have done wrong. He did made SeongWu scared, he couldn't deny that fact, but he was not in control. He never mean to hurt SeongWu. Daniel passionately followed SeongWu, but Jaehwan said it's too rude. He admit that Jaehwan was right, so he change his way to approach SeongWu. He tried to be more gentle, but SeongWu just avoid him more than before. Daniel getting confuse.

Minhyun doesn't like human, it's useless to ask him. Although Jaehwan is human but he rarely get in contact with his own kind so he is nothing better than Daniel.

Daniel tried to search in Minhyun's library, but the only kind of books that related to human are about those serial killers or those perverts with corrupted mind. They're totally doesn't related to SeongWu at all. Although it might be weird, but Daniel still went all the way to the bookstore to bought books about human psychologist. He even bought a lot of love novels. When he brought out a basket full of love books, the cashier looked at him in the strangest way he could ever imagine. Daniel didn't care much and just bought everything.


He spent night to night to read all those books, but it was useless. Everything written in those books are nothing like his situation. For example, the most situation mentioned in the book is hero saving heroine. The heroine might attacked by some bad guys and then the hero came out in his most handsome state and rescue her. With a little bit of drama and their relationship will quickly develop and turn into something more romantic. But his SeongWu isn't a girl. Moreover, to him, Daniel is a bad guy. The more he read, the more confusing he get.



"You haven't looking for SeongWu hyung recently?"

Daniel haven't talking about SeongWu for quite a few days. Even Jaehwan curious about it. There're definitely no way this guy stop liking SeongWu.

Daniel just gives off a sign while chewing a piece of meat. His wolf ears suddenly appear but looks a bit down.

Jaehwan have never seen Daniel like that. It's kinda interesting.

"Maybe things are better this way!"

"What do you mean?" – Daniel's ears immediately rise up.

"You used to sticking to him all the time but now you suddenly stop. Maybe SeongWu hyung might feel lonely."

"Lonely? Really?" – his ears waving with excitement.

"Just maybe."

Jaehwan whisper, but Daniel doesn't care much.

After finishing his meal, Daniel quickly change his clother and decides to come and see how is SeongWu doing.

His white tail keep waving and waving.



However, things just doesn't go well as Daniel wanted. The fashion show he attending takes more time for rehearsal than normal because it's an outdoor show. Not only all of the models have to practice, they need to prepare for any unexpected situation. Soon, it's already 7p.m. Daniel can't take it anymore. He can't even keep his normal courtesy face and it's really look scary to others.

He keep looking at those models on the runway. How can they fall when they just walking on the ground? How can they forgot even just a simple walk? The more they fall, the longer the rehearsal takes and the more annoying Daniel get.

"How long this going to last?" – he ask the staff standing next to him.

"Maybe about half an hour. Because there are a lot of celebrities and famous agencies will come, we need to prepare carefully. Daniel ssi, I hope you can..."


Just looking at his annoyed face is enough to make the staff take a step back. They knows they shouldn't piss him off.


A light wind suddenly blows through. Daniel's nose immediately catch up a familiar smell. It's SeongWu's smell.

Daniel takes a deep breath. It really is SeongWu's smell, but mixing with...


Daniel stand right up and smelling around. The smell is too light and this place is too crowded. It's really hard to tell the right way. The staff noticed his strange actions. They comes to ask.

"Daniel ssi, you..."


The staff almost scared to death.

Daniel closes his eyes to have more focus. He already marked SeongWu. Even though he can't smell where exactly SeongWu is but he still can feel it.

Daniel doesn't care about anything anymore. He just rushes out of the rehearsal place. He runs across the street and quickly disappear into the crowd



He goes all the way to Geumcheon. SeongWu's smell is getting clearer, along with the blood smell. He follows the smell to a deserted street.

Except SeongWu's car which was crushed, lying upside-down on the side of the street, there is another car. When the driver see Daniel come in this way, he drives away as fast as he can. Daniel doesn't go after him, because he has something more important to take care of.

Daniel rushes to SeongWu's car. All the windows and rearview mirrors are broken. The gas tank also broken and the gas is leaking. There is smoke come out from the engine. Daniel torn the car door and pulls SeongWu out. He carry him out and get far from the car before it explode.

Daniel put him on the ground. His pretty face was ruin by the shattered glass. One of his arm was broken, the other one was completely crushed. When Daniel hold SeongWu, he can even feel his broken ribs. Daniel pulls out every shattered glass, every piece of metal on his body.


SeongWu doesn't move, doesnt't breath. His body getting colder and colder...




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