Go Fuck Yourself (C-137xFlesh)

Start from the beginning

Flesh's hands held Rick's thighs up. Giving him a better access into him as he felt him brush up into his prostate." Did i j-just find your sweet spot Richard~?" He purred through gritted teeth as his finally started to thrust into him. Pulling back to then harshly push back in repeadedly over and over. His stomach knotting up.

"What did I-I say!? F-fuck off!" He yelled in anger before his eyes rolled back into his head. He knew he was close. They'd been at this for twenty minutes. He knew he was bound to finish soon. That was before Flesh took him by the jaw. Forcing Rick to look him in the eye, licking his hips lewedly as he let out a huffed crule left his lips.

"Look at me! Is this what I turn into!? I'mnothing more than a pathetic, boring old man writhing his own self doubt!" He said in a mocking mannor. Continuously thrusting into Rick. Growling back in a responce.

"You d-do know your talking about yourself d-douche bag!" He gagged.

"Does it look like I give a shit!? If I know one things for fucking certain, I'll never become tjis pathetic excuse for a Rick!" He said with a rather harsh tone. It was then Rick punched him. Sending him flying off of him completely as he stumbled back. Rick taking him by the the collar that sat around his neck. Turning around to push him into the desk. Pulling his hands behind his back, taking his belt wrappibg it around his arms tieing them down." W-watch it asshole! Don't be so fucking rough!"

Rick possitioned himself over his entrance. Wrapping his finger around Flesh's collar loop. Yanking his neck back choking flesh instantly with a visious growl as he hit his pristate with his shaft. Not even carring to start slow. Only going with harsh uneven thrusts. And this hurt Flesh more than he felt plesure.

His voice cracked as he yelled. The tight collar around his throat choking him. Depriving him of air, wanting to desperately to claw at it, to try and rip his collar off of his throat, desprate to get it off in every way as possible. Yet he couldn't. Rick giving off a satisfied smile, as he bit his lip.

"W-w-whats the matter? Where are thoes cocky remarks? T-thoes snobby stupid ass, fucking bullshit-" he stopped talking, his voice dark and crule as his thrusts actually drawing some blood, drawing rather closer to his release. Watching as Fleshed writhed and squirmed under him. His arms flailing in the grip of his belt repeadedly as he gasped for air.

"F-fuck! Stop! I-I can't fucking breath! Do you w-want to fucking die!?" He yelled, his vocal cords practically torn for how scratchy his voice was due to the harsh choking. It was then he felt Rick releace into his entrance. Cum dripping onto his thighs as Rick took him harshly by his hair. Slamming his head into the metal table top." Damn it!"

"What gives you t-t-the right to say shit about me and my life choices!? You are me weather you like it or not! And will become me w-weather you like it or not! You got that motherfucker!?" He growled into his ear. Removing the belt as he started to harshly beat himself with it. Lashing his back repeatedly with it to where he yelled in pain." I said do you got that you prepubescent, stupid motherfucker!?" He repeated with a few more harsh lashes added in.

Flesh cowared slightly. Flinching and squealing in pain as he raised his hands to defend himself." Y-yes I got it! Stop god damn it!"

Rick stopped. Gritting his teeth as he stomped down on the Rick's back. Pinning him to the floor." God look at what a pathetic pice of shit I used to be.." He said cruly. His eyes scanning Flesh." What a pathetic sight!" He said as he put more pressure on his back..


"Im sorry about last night dad.. i didn't mean to tell you thoes obscenities.." Beth said with sorrow filling her voice as she watched Rick ate his pancakes slowly. Really not paying attention to what Beth was saying to begin with.

"U-uhh mom.. I-I don't think he's listening.." Morty stated as he looked at Rick's spaced expression." I-I think he had too much to. Y-you know.. drink last night." He said as he looked to Summer then Jerry.

"Of corse he did.. it's what he does on a daily basis! Drink,  beat things then pass out in the garage for hours on end. Its how Grandpa Rick works Morty." Summer stated as she texted her friends. Exsamining her phone intensly. A loud sigh escaping her lips.

"Jerry." Beth looked to him as he ate his cereal. A rather concerned look filling her eyes as she looked back to her father." Dad.. say something please.." she said as Rick gave her a spaced glance before he went back to slowly eating his pancakes.

"Y-ya. Sure Beth.. whatever." He stated with a rather bland expression. A sigh slipped from his lips clearly causing everyobe to look to him with a sympathetic expression.

It was then Beth blushed slightly at the thought of what she heard last night in the garage. Clearing her throat loudly to see if she could get his attention."Dad.." Beth asked curiously as she looked at Rick. Jerry eyed him darkly while eating his cornflakes as the kids did the same. His eyes slowly scanned the family.

"W-what? Is there something on my face?" He asked as he took a bite of his pancakes." W-why are you looking at me like that?"

"W-well Dad.. we heard some strange.. possibly but maybe not so...sextual noises comming from the garage last night.. what exsactly happened?" Beth asked. Watching as Ricks eyes liddedly looked to him. Slowly swallowing his food that sat in his mouth.

"I fucked myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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