Go Fuck Yourself (C-137xFlesh)

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This one is for me just to see how this would go~ just for the fuck of it.

daddirick 😏

"Go fuck yourself Richard!" The words spoken from a true woman. A true heroin in Ricks life that told him with a visious furious tone, to fuck himself. Most would be thinking that would be almost impossible. Seventy year old man living in a house with two kids Beth,(and his least favorite) Jerry smith. He being the bastard he was took that statement from his ex-wife too seriously. In a way that would least be expected...

Rick wasn't happy.. quite frankly he was drunk and clearly didnt give a flying fuck weather he was told to fuck himself or not. It honestly didnt matter to him. But he was too driven to not go through with it. He was full of himself. Full of Pride and dark intent in his mind that he couldn't hold back. He had to follow her orders. Though in truth he knew Diane never came back. Diane was gone.

His expression was emotionless as he stared at his ex-wife. Un amused by her outburst as his hand reached into the pocket of his lab coat taking a long hardy swig from his flask. Now Rick (almost) always kept to his word. Giving a slight shrug towards his angered wife as he entered the garage. Slamming the door shut infront of Dian's face before covering the garage in a slate of steel, blast shield doors to be sure that he'd be alone for the rest of the night. Which. Was exsactly what he wanted.

It only took him mere seconds to do it but in front of him stood a younger rick. Around his late twentys, early forties. His smooth silky bright blueish-whitesh hair combed back messily. His over all look spelled 'rockstar'. A piercing on his left ear, his muscle shirt neck torn down to where it revealed his pectorals. His nips pierced as well as his tongue. His pants torn skinny jeans. And as for his boots. They were high heeled.

He stepped out of the machine. Giving Rick a lewed dark smirk as his breath bared a sent of fresh liquorand weed just smoked. Tilting his head as his eyes scanned the simular looking yet older individual. Tisking slightly in dissaproval and disgust.

"What a pathetic sight~ is this what you call a lab? A garage in the middle of the suburbs? Not to mention me.." He shook his head slightly as his smirk shifted slightly. Yet in Rick's eyes he didn't care what the other, younger version of him liked or didn't like. He was just following his Ex-Wife's orders.

Rick approched the younger one. Holding his flask firmly in his hand. Taking another swig as a few drops of liquor spilling from his lips as he eyed him in return. Tgrowing his flask onto the desk next to him as he nonchalantly cleared his thought." Fuck me." His voice straight forward and blunt.

"Heh~ excuse me old man~ but what now~?" He asked with a nother dark smirk.

Rick sighed, rather annoyed. Taking him by the arms with a swift moved in. His voice breathless as he looked into the other Ricks eyes lustfully.

"Fuck... me~"

"F-Fuck~!" Rick moaned. His pants laid at his ankles as Flesh pushed into him. Grinding his clothed errected shaft into Rick's bare ass. His body sat on the desk of his lab for support. Flesh's hand slowly stroking Rick as he leaned in giving him a harsh sloppy kiss.

"Mm~" his shaft twitched slightly as he groaned in Rick's mouth. Pulling back abruptly. Rather egar as he pulled his boxers down. Pressing the head against Rick's entrance. Throwing his hips into him harshly as he entered him. His walls squeezed tightly around him. Letting out a rather husky breath as well as Rick."S-shit your t-tight~!"

Rick gave Flesh a glare. His face red with a raging plush as sweat dripped from his brow in his state of extasy. Leaning back on the table using his arms to keep his torso propped up." Fuck y-you.." he groeled lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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