cнapтer 3

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I jolted awake and realized Pony had a tight grip around my waist. His face was nuzzled into my neck, and I wandered if this was how Pone and Soda slept. I chuckled and managed to slip out of Ponyboy's grip. I tiptoed into the kitchen to soda cooking breakfast. I snuck up behind him and ticked his stomach. "C-C-C-Charlie! S-Stopp!" Soda laughed. I just have him a big ole' cheesy smile and walked over to the fridge. "So Soda, you got any whipped cream?" I begged. Soda grinned, realizing what I was going to do, and got the whipped cream out of the fridge. "Thanks Soda" I cheered. I ran over, back to Pony's room, attempting not to make a sound. I peeked through the door to find him nuzzled in my pillow. "Aw" I mumbled. "He's so cute when he sleeps." "What did you just say, I didn't catch it" said a chuckling Soda. "S O D A! SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET HERE" I sorta whisper/yelled. Soda pulled his act together and whimpered,"I just wanted to watch my little brother get pranked!" I grinned, handing Soda the cap to the whipped cream. I slowly inched onto the bed and kneeled next to Ponyboy. "Charles you looks so pretty" Ponyboy mumbled, he must be sleep-talking, adorable. I looked over to Soda and saw him grinning ear to ear. I laughed and turned pony over so his body was face up. I opened his hand and he immediately closed the gap. He intertwined his fingers with mine, and I didn't pull away. He tried to pull me closer, but since Soda was in the doorway, I refused. I'm pretty sure Pony is still asleep. His eyes are closed and he's breathing in a steady tone. I opened his hand, again, and attempted to fill it with whipped cream. I didn't have anything to tickle Pony's face with, so I just used my finger. I had never noticed how smooth his face was. I must have gotten a little carried away because all I could see what Pony's hand coming r i g h t-a t-m y-f a c e. I though I had dodged, but I guess not. He still managed to get whipped cream all over my face, and his shirt! I jumped and looked over to a laughing Ponyboy. I gave him a death glare, but I couldn't resist and joined him. I looked over to find Soda curled up in a ball on the floor dying. Literally dying, he was laughing so hard, I couldn't tell how how he even had time to breath. Me and Pony looked at each other, smiled, and I knew at that instant, we hard the same idea. We bolted over to Soda and ticked his waist. "n-N-N-n-OT AGA-A-IN" Soda squealed. Soda called for Darry but pony and I were laughing so hard, he couldn't hear. We ticked Soda for a good three minuets and finally backed away. "I'm GUnnA gEt yAll BacK, jUST yOu waIt" Soda screamed! Me and Pony chucked and Darted for the kitchen. I ran back grabbing the whipped cream, and came back to the fridge, exchanging it for 3 slices of chocolate cake. Just enough for Soda, Pony, and I to have one slice. I began to worry about Darry, but remembered him mentioning he had to leave at 7:00 for his job. Soda, Pony and I sat at the Dining room table waiting till someone gave the signal to eat. They eventually gave up and filled their mouths with cake, and I couldn't help but laugh.
ayo! I'm back!! I'll be writing more over the summer! I only own Charlie!!!! Adeliabowers  you're welcome 🤧💓 Stay gold!!!

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