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Dear Reader, passerby or fellow citizen, 

I am writing this to inform..... or rather to warn you all of what humanity is facing.

Or had been for a while now.

The new evil arising from the shadows.

We have our heroes, yes, but do they have the will to stop them? No matter how unstoppable they seem themselves.

But, I'm not very sure they're able to help us anymore, they're only idealists. 

Am I wrong? I'm a journalist and I question everything and anything.
I especially question whatever can get me a story.

What will get me the highest paycheck and is it worth my time?

So, I began to think 'What is a superhero without a villain?'

'Are heroes going to be the new threat?'

Why does no one think about this? We all wander the streets believing our problems could be solved easily with the help of a saviour and I've been told I was 'Crazy" for believing this.

Fear is what shapes us into being, is it not? It's part of why we make the decisions we make, willingly or not. I never truly accepted that. 

Villains. The ones we've cursed as wicked are the ones who have accepted their fate. Instead of giving into fear they feed off of it, use it.

Once they've gotten a taste for it, they want more. It's like an addiction, an escape, their ecstasy. Because of that they've been misunderstood.

This story unlike others doesn't begin with the birth of a hero, but instead the birth of a villain, maybe two.

All because of their villainous acts.

I just hope I can gather enough information.


Young Journalist 

Oliver Brightly 

Villainous ActsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora